Chapter twelve: the argument

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Hey guys

So not very happy with this chapter, but I promised I'd give u guys a chapter so here it is. FYI: next chapter will be even better.

Also for the next chapter can we have more than 40 votes.







Walking next to Perrie is horrible, standing next to Perrie is horrible, breathing air from just meters away from her is HORRIBLE! I'm either going to bang my head against a wall or bang my head against the wall because I seriously cannot take any shit from her.

She's stupid, annoying, bitchy and a slut -things I really happen to hate especially when she starts flirting with my guy right in FRONT of me. I mean it's one thing to flirt with a guy behind the girls back but it's a whole other thing to flirt with the guy while the girl is there. Does she have no respect or just plain common sense?

She's aware that we are "engaged", she is a aware that I'm pissed off at her and she's so fucking aware that zayn doesn't give a shit about her. Yet she does what she does.

Zayn had shot me a sympathetic smile while we walked her back to the house. She had persisted on zayn carrying her there in the "bridal style" fashion but zayn had immediately turned it down. It made me happy because I could not see Perrie in his arms, it was just too hard and painful to. As soon as we entered the house we chucked her to the first person in sight.

I sighed in content and looked down at my ring that sat on my finger, during the walk back to the house I had peaked at my ring a thousand times as if I wasn't sure it would be there -but it always was, meaning zayn actually proposed to me.

It was a sliver ring with a large diamond in the middle, not so large that it looked blingy just large enough. On either side of the diamond sat another two smaller diamonds and a bit of gold was mixed in as well.

'Do you like the ring?' Asked zayn from beside me.

I looked up with a smile on my face 'yes, I love it.' I said then wrapped my hands around his neck while he pulled me into a hug.

'Zayn man, it's about time!' I didn't have to turn around to know who it was, Derek and by the loud yawn I knew Megan was there as well.

Me and zayn turned to see Megan and Derek approach hand in hand. Zayn and Derek did the manly hug thing while I turned my attention to Megan. 'Whats up?' I asked seeing her worried face.

She glanced over at zayn who was busy chatting away with Derek then looked over at me. The next words few words she said really shocked the living daylights out of me 'Luke's here.'

My eyes had now widened the size of headlights and my whole body was suddenly on alert. Luke, Luke was here! My ex-boyfriend was here!


I had dated luke for a year and a half during high school, he was the normal type of guy that was great at sports, he was in the schools best soccer team, he was popular, he was good looking that all the girls followed him with hanging tongues around the school but he surprisingly only had his eye on me.

It was weird I guess, because I wasn't "hot" I wasn't sporty, I was just an art freak. So it was weird for a guy like Luke Hemings to approach me in the middle of lunch when I was sitting with all my other freako's. But what happened, happened and we soon grew to like each other.

Forced to marry him! Completely re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now