Chapter Five: Family Problems

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A week later

For the past week Zayn had picked and dropped me off at my house, he had insisted on doing it even though I ensured him it was much easier if I took the bus but he wouldn't budge. At about the second day I had just obliged and let him do his thing because whether I liked it or not, I actually enjoyed traveling in his car. He had a real art to driving that made me feel so peaceful and relaxed.

And like everyday he dropped me off he would always walk me to my front door steps and plant a warm kiss on my cheek leaving me blushing for a few minutes.

We hardly saw each other apart from those times, we never met each other during lunch break and when we were in the car there was hardly any talking. The only physical contact we had was the kiss I got from him everyday.

But I did NOT have feelings for zayn, nothing -if you don't count the lustful thoughts that would pop up in my head. Never would I ever have feelings for zayn, not when I've just known him for two week!

'Mum I'm home.' I replied shutting the front door and dumping my keys on the table nearby. I was exhausted, tired and hungry. All I wanted to do was have a nice long shower and then curl up in sweat pants and a hoodie and watch re runs of vampire diaries.

I frowned when I heard no reply from my mother. She's probably gone out- but I froze when I heard soft murmurs and something like sobbing. I frowned, this was unusual.

I slowly set my bag down and took of my heels not wanting to make a noise. Then slowly I tiptoed to the door and opened it a crack so that I could see what the hell was going on in the living room.

When I opened the door I could see my mother, crying. Her head dropped into her hands and she was shaking her head weeping the words 'no, no, no, no.' At that moment I suddenly couldn't hold it in anymore and burst through the doors startling her.

'Mum what's going on.' I asked wearily as I took a seat next to her and soothed her back. She just whimpered and shook her head unable to speak. Something was really wrong. I noticed the piece of paper on her lap and picked it up.

Before I could even focus my eyes on the paper she had snatched it out of my hands 'no Lexi, I'm not going to trouble you with my problems.' She said tucking the paper under her arm.

I frowned, this was not like my mother to be so distant when it came to her problems. She told me everything whether I wanted to hear or not, so why is she being distant -I don't like distant.

'Mum just tell me.' I pleaded getting a bit angry when she shook her head. Stubborn. 'Please mum, I'm sure I have the right to know.' I paused when she didn't answer 'I'll go ask grandma-' I threatened and that made her eyes widen and she shook her head quickly. If I asked her mother I was bound to get the answers. Grandma a was mums soft spot and she obeyed her no matter what. Gran would surely get the answers out.

She sighed shutting her eyes 'Okay, I guess you have the right to know.' She took a deep, deep breath then looked me in the eyes. 'Do you remember aunt Linda?' That made me groan really loudly because the word "Linda" was like a bad omen for this family.

Aunt Linda was my fathers sister, she was really creepy and so fat that me and Chloe used to make up stories about her. Along with her fatness she was a real bitch in the arse. She would bully me and Chloe till we ran to our parents crying and then she'd just lie to our parents when they asked what was wrong -basically she was a arrogant obese, really repulsive lady. I hated her.

My mum continued 'well, it's been going on for a while -ever since your father died. She-she's been harassing me. She wants this house.' My mother said looking thoughtfully around the house 'when we bought this house we did the mistake of only signing the house in your fathers name -not mine. Therefore because it's in dad's name our family and his family have right over the house.' She said then dropped her heads into her hands 'but Linda....she's taking it too far. She WANTS this house and for the last few years I've been paying her money to go away but she's not, she's not listening and I don't know what to do!'

Forced to marry him! Completely re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now