Chapter 16 Wedding

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Lexis POV:
I swear one more freaking photo and I'll die. I really couldn't smile anymore, it was like my mouth had permanently adjusted to a smile that I couldn't rearrange my face back to its original look.
Luckily the photographer chose that moment to wrap it up -for now. Relieved was all I felt, throwing myself against the tree trunk. After the wedding me, zayn, the bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girl and ring bearer set out to take photos. We had gone to beaches, parks, famous tourists sites, just places where the scenery seemed really good.
Right now we were at a park that had the most amazing sceneries. We were now standing on flat ground, green grass growing beneath our feet and tall skinny trees planted not far apart. It had this really nice, soft but peaceful look from the sun leaking through the trees. It was the perfect place for a photo.
'Hey man, do you mind if I take it out for a ride?' Asked zayn approaching our driver and gesturing towards the limousine. The driver seemed reluctant probably becuase giving the car to a bloke like zayn wouldn't end well. However he finally -reluctantly- gave in handing him he keys.
With a smirk zayn clutched the keys and walked back to me. I gave him a curious look. What's he planning to do with a limousine? When he was in front of me he smirked holding out his right hand 'shall we go m'dam?' He said in the cutest accent.
My hand slipped in his. I didn't know where we were going, where he was planning to take me, I didn't know what he was planning to do with me.....but I knew I trusted him. We got married for a reason.
I sat in the car without a word, while zayn sat in the drivers seat with a mischief smirk on his face. I knew I should be cautious with that smirk but truthfully, I didn't really care. I trusted him.
We were on the main road immediately, passing building and sites that I knew. Finally we approached a very familiar site, a site that brought back memories and tears.
Lookd Elsmore graveyard.
Where my father rest.
My eyes snapped over to zayns immediately to see he was already looking at me in a content but thoughtful look. That mischief smirk he wore before was gone and he shot me his warmest smile.
I was literally a gaping fish that zayn had to make the first move. His hands found mine where he intertwined them. 'I figured that I might as well thank the man that gave me the most amazing wife.' He placed a sweet kiss on the back of my hand making my heart waver. A round of butterflies exploded in my tummy and I felt so many emotions then, I didn't know what to do.
I thought he was a gentlemen before but now.......he's even more than a gentlemen -if that makes sense. He was not only being sweet and thoughtful but he was also willing to pay respect to my dad. There were some men like zayn that really had a kind heart.
We were walking down the graveyard within seconds. I thought I would have to lead zayn to my fathers gravestone but it looks like he knew where it was. I tugged at his hands 'how do you know where your going?' I asked
He looked at me over his shoulder and nervously scratched the back of his neck. 'Wel.......I kinda already visited him yesterday.' My eyebrows shot up. ' were mad at me yesterday so I thought I could figure it out here.' He lightly kicked the grass blades.
I think my ovaries just bursted out in pleasure.....because this man does not get better than this -seriously is he an alien or something?
Now we stood in front of my fathers grave. Fresh green grass had grown around it and the grave had moss or creepers growing in it because it was well over 8 years since dad's funeral.
I let my dress fall onto the fresh green grass. The wind blew at my hair but only few strands flew away. It was weird coming here, I was used to making trips here once a month in my free time. I still do now. I guess it was weird now because I was dressed in my wedding dress and we both looked quite over-dressed compared to everyone here.
Zayn crouched down, bent at the knees and rested his elbows on his thigh. He brushed away some of the moss that clung to the tombstone, then placed a bouquet of flowers that I hadn't seen him bring in.
I reached out for his hands as he pulled me onto his lap, my hands snaking around his neck while he played with the silky fabric on my waist. I enjoyed looking at him analysing every detail of his face. His hair was a little more....neater than his normal tousled look. I was so used to seeing his bed head-hair that seeing this hairstyle look unfamiliar -but I still loved it.
He was dressed in a black tuxedo with a white bow, his suit was neat as ever and now with his bow loose he looked pretty hot....I could kiss him right now.
I was about to until he started talking, not to me but dad.
'Hey Mr Pike....' He trailed off still playing with my dress 'I want to thank you for giving me the chance to marry the most beautiful women I have ever met. I promise that I'll guard her with everything in me becuase she truly means the world to me.' Like before he kissed the back of my hand, but it didn't stop there 'she's kind.' Kiss. 'Shes generous.' Kiss. 'Sexy as hell.' Kiss with a mischief smirk. 'But most of all....' He had kissed his way up my arm and placed he last kiss on my shoulder, he looked up at me '......I love her to bits.'
That made me gasp....did he really just say that? The L word? I was completely useless and putty in his hands. To answer my question his hands cupped my cheeks his eyes taking time to gaze on me 'I love you Mrs Malik.'
I didn't have to think twice to say what I said next. I loved him as well. Truthfully I had loved him ever since he had proposed to me three months ago.....I was just never brave enough to say it to him.
The fact that he's never given up on us from day one, even when I was being a total bitch he put up with me. He was always there for me and he cared for those that meant something to me. He's the reason why I'm so happy to this day.
After a minute we both pulled away. My dress needed a good rearrangement, zayns hair was completely messy. We were panting for air still smiling contently to ourselves.
His hands reached up to wipe a smudge of lipstick off my lips. That move had made me skin rise in anticipation but I didn't get any kiss. Zayn chuckled 'I don't think your father would approve of a full make out session in front of his grave.'
My eyes widened. I had completely forgotten we were sitting at his grave. If dad really was alive now, I wonder what he'd do to zayn.......before he would never let any boy within 10 meters close to me.....but I think he would defiantly approve of zayn, he choose him after all.
The reception party had already started but we -as bride and groom- were going to be "fashionably late". It gave us enough time to just spend another few minutes talking to dad. I stayed silent the whole time, I quite enjoyed listening to zayn, how casual he was around dad grave. Wouldn't most guys be a little awkward when it came to these things,
He always had something to talk about. He had "updated" dad on the latest football news and even thrown in our little childhood story -when he kicked a ball at me.
His soft lips grazed my bare collar bone, his teeth scraping against my skin casting a round of tingles. My breathing wavered and I was sure I'd fall to my knees if it wasn't for zayn holding me tight.
'You're so beautiful, babe.' He murmured into my skin.
I chuckled and looked over my shoulder at him. Messy hair, slight stubble, pinkish lips, deep brown eyes......must I go on?
'You've already told me that.' Like about a hundred times tonight.
'I know, I know.' Said zayn pulling me. He leaned against one of the empty tables and pulling me so that I stood in between his legs. 'But you're'
Okay, he just got a little bit weird.
'I mean you look like a angel sent from above -no goddess of sexiness, yes that's what you are.' He murmured under his breath to the point where I had to strain my ears to listen to him. 'And your ass is.....' His hands went full on and grabbed my butt.
My eyes widened and I squirmed in his hold. I tilted his chin up so he was looking at me. 'Are you drunk or something?' I asked lifting his chin higher so that I could get a good look at him.
'Only drunk in love for you.' He slurred kissing my arm. He would of kissed it all the way up if I hadn't ripped my hand away from him because of who had approached us.
'Oh hey man.' Said zayn making me surprised at how his voice had changed from a drunk zayn to a.....well normal zayn. Maybe he was drunk in love?.......
The guy he was speaking to was Gary, our builder. They started talking about the house then, commenting on the progress and finalising days for payments.
I kinda blurred out on the spot then. My eyes casting on our reception hall. It was past 2am -yeah the party went on for that long. There was hardly anyone here, only those that had a big role.
The waiters were starting to tidy up the area but had kept the music turned on for those still dancing -zayns parents.
For the reception I had I had my hair let down and had minimal makeup since I knew how sweaty and tired I would look in photos. I had changed into another white dress -only this time a silky figure hugging one that was easier to dance in, since the Malik and pike family loved dancing. I swear there was a dance battle going on between mine and Zayn's cousins.
I had to admit ZAYN was quite the dancer. He had walked me through jives and had guided my hips through samba. Who knew he had all those dancing skills beneath his egoistic ways.
We had then done the traditional throwing of the bouquet and I was surprised that Doniya had caught it. She was smiling like a kid on Christmas her eyes darting towards a particular guy in the crowd. It wasn't hard to miss him, he was beet red. Zayn however had to be the overprotective brother. He had ripped the flowers off Doniya and chucked them to Perrie. I bet he didn't even let Doniya see her guy.
Then it was the traditional first dance. The dance floor was cleared up just for us and a crowd had made a circle around us. Smiling now I could still remember how zayn had held me, close towards him not leaving an inch of space. First it was romantic and kinda cliche the way he would say 'I love you' over and over again. But then after a while he started whispering naughty things in my ear making me blush.
The food was amazing- not only because it was made by a professional chef aka my uncle, but also becuase zayn had fed me. We had shared the same plate becuase apparently that means that we are one -what's yours is mine. That sorta thing.
After that the presentations had begun. zayns cousins Joel, broody, mark and corner presented me with a song about how much they adored me. It was actually quite cute of them because they made up their own lyrics and had a mini dance to present. But it got Zayn a little jealous.
And now the wedding was nearly over, I didn't want it to end. I mean this is what I've been dreaming of for my whole life, ever since I had watched Cinderella get married to a handsome young prince.
I wish I could just lock all our guests in here so that this moment could last forever- except that would be selfish. Truthfully the idea of being alone with zayn in our own reserved hotel room seemed pretty nice.
'Hey.' Megan approached me.
I turned to smile at her but realised she didn't look to well. 'Hey, are you okay?'
She clutched her head and stomach. ' Not really.' She groaned, looked like an intense headache or migraine 'will you come with me to the bathroom?.....I feel kinda sick.'
'Yeah, yeah sure.' I said rubbing her back reassuringly. I moved away from zayn making his arm drop off my waist. He pouted but once he had taken one look at meg his expression had completely changed and he let me off easily.
We had approached the bathrooms and the sweet scent of lavender had filled the air......sigh, that smelt good. I gathered my wedding dress lifting it above my ankles so it wouldn't get dirty. Megan who had one hand against her mouth and the other clutching the sink.
'Hey you okay?' I asked approaching her and rubbing small circles on her back. I don't know if that made it worse or not because she made a sprint towards the nearest toilet cubicle and emptied out her stomach. Being the nice friend I was held up her hair, rubbing her back reassuringly.
'Ugh, I don't know what I'd do without you lele.' She said Sitting on the ground looking extremely tired.
'I know.' I retorted 'are you sure your fine?'
She held her hands up for me to pull her up then went and washed her face. 'Im fine, really!' She said but I was defiantly not falling for that. She had something going on -I could see it in her face.
She knew she wasn't going to win so she let herself fall against the wall. 'Okay, I guess I should tell you......since you're apparently my best friend and all.' She said her mouth dropped open to speak 'I'm preggo's!!!!'
Now it was my turn to drop my mouth open. 'You're what!!!!!!!' I said still not believing it.
'I'm pregnant.' Megan said a small smile tugging at her lips as she rubbed her belly. 'Derek and me have been trying for over 6 months now. We had secretly gone to the doctor to sort out when was the right time to try and have a baby, since apparently it needs to suit your menstrual cycle......' She trailed off.
'Megan, I'm soooooo happy for you.' I said squeezing her arm. 'I'm going to be an aunty!!!!!'
'And a godmother!!!!'
'Derek finally took my advice-'
'Derek doesn't know yet.' She said squeezing my arm. 'I'll probably tell him tonight, or maybe tomorrow night since he's wasted.'
'I know he'll be a happy man, after all the poor guy had been waiting for over five years!' It was true, Derek was quite eager to have children on his own -everyone could see it except for Megan. But he had decided to wait until Megan was ready which was pretty sweet.
'You seem extremely happier than before.' Zayn eyed me suspiciously while carrying me bridal style to our hotel room.
I coyly played with the straps of my wedding heels then glanced at zayn. 'Well, for start offs I finally got married to the man I love.' I added planting a kiss on his chiseled jaw and retreating back to smiling. '......and my best friends finally pregnant!'
Zayn looked shocked as his head swivelled towards me 'Megan's.........Derek's going to be.......' He couldn't finish the sentence.
I nodded 'a father? Yes.'
'It's about time.' I agreed. I still had that exited buzz radiating through me. I mean, my best friends pregnant and I'm going to be a aunty, Possibly a god mother. I really couldn't wait.
It was now past three in the morning. Our family friends were the last to leave once they realised how late it was. Most of them were completely drunk so we had to call a cab for them and their families -it took a while.
But finally me and Zayn were free to go to our hotel room. Luckily it was above the hall venue so the only transport was the elevator. My hands wrapped around zayn's neck feeling his muscles tense as he walked with me in his arms. I brushed my noes against the nape of his neck breathing in his after shave. After all the dancing we had done I was surprised he still reeked of it.
I felt Zayn shudder a bit nearly slipping me out of his arms from the impact but his quick reflexes had me tightly snuggled in his arms. I played with the collar of his shirt. 'You know, if I'm heavy you'd tell me right?' I asked looking into his brown eyes. He had been carrying me for three whole minutes, surely his arms must be hurting -I weighed a ton!!
A smirk tugged on his face 'who said you were heavy?' He said then for good measure swapped my weight to his right arm, carrying me with one arm. Show off. I rolled my eyes but at the same time was completely impressed. He carried me with such ease, like he was working out with weights.
'You have a big ego, Malik.' I said making a move to get off but his arms wrapped tighter around me.
'Hey, hey Who says your getting off now?'
'But the doors right there.'
'I want to carry you all the way in. Part of the tradition.' He said adding a wink. He stopped walking when we reached the door. With me still in his arms he tried to search for the card to let us in. 'Try the front pocket.' I reached forward and tried to find the card in the inside pocket of his suit blazer but it was empty. 'I thought I had the card.'
While Zayn rechecked all his pockets it struck me that I had the card. Tricia had given it to me just before she left. I had no pocket so I had stuck it in my bra. With embarrassment on my face I reached into my "secret" pocket and pulled out the hotel card.
Zayn smirked with amusement 'do you think my pack of cigarettes are in there.' He said his voice laced with amusement. I poked my tongue out at him and slapped his chest just for good measure before opening our hotel room door.
We got a waft of sweet lavender that made the room seem so much more peaceful. There were rose petals scattered on the bed and candles lit on the the bedside tables casting a dim glow.
'Wow, our parents really did a good job.' Said Zayn kicking the door shut with his foot. My arms fell lose around his neck when he laid me down on the bed, planting a kiss on my bare shoulder. A coy smile appeared on my face as I moved deeper into the bed pulling Zayn along with me.
Our lips met halfway and the hard-core make out session had begun. I kissed him with an urge I hadn't done at the alter today. Then it was only a sweet chaste kiss only suitable for our family and friends.....but now, alone in the comfort of our room we were able to kiss and do things we pleased.
His hand squeezed my hip and I pulled my dress up a little bit higher so that it bunched around my thigh and waist, completely exposed for Zayn to run his hands along for as many times as he pleased.
We pulled away shortly our chests heaving up and down. His body hovered above mine, his minty breath fanning my face. Despite how horny and excited I was that my husband was alone in the same room as me I still felt myself yawn.
I hated having to leave Zayn but we both knew this would have to happen soon.
'I should probably change out of this. Your mum would hate it if I crinkled it.' I said standing up and smoothing out my dress. It took over 1 hour to iron out since it was a thick silk material.
Just as I was about to head off to the bathroom Zayn propped himself on one elbow. 'Why not just change in front of me? We're married now.' He said wagging his ring finger.
I felt the weight of the ring on my ring finger. 'Nice try Malik, but you don't get to see me naked......yet.' I said with a chuckle then headed to the bathroom. Once I had changed into comfy clothes, I pounced onto the bed with Zayn beside me.
Zayn immediately took charge and rolled his body over me 'what should we do now?' I asked ruffling his hair up a bit more. I preferred it when his hair was messy. Gave him an edge. Zayn shrugged burying his noes in the crook of my neck. He let out a sigh of pure bliss and exhaustion. 'Sleep?' I offered.
'Agreed.' He fell back beside me, pulling the silky sheets over us.

Hey guys

There you have it. The end of their wedding. But don't worry defiantly not the end of the book.
So in a few days I'm going on a six week holiday to india so I hardly think I'll be able to update. So unfortunately this is the last chapter for the year :(
I get back somewhere in January and i promise I'll update then.
Also if y'all really like this book then I'd really appreciate it if u would vote. It would really mean a lot.

That's enough talking from me.
Thanks to all u guys for taking the time to read my book.

Since I won't be positing for a while. I hope u guys have a merry Christmas and happy new year.

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