James Whittleton

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Lexi's POV:

Jessica knocked on my office door "You wanted to see me?" She said walking in.

I looked up. "Yes take a seat."

She had her hair tied back in a high ponytail and wore a pencil skirt that reached below her knees. Her figure was to die for that it really put my pregnancy-fat-body to shame. What I'd give to have a body like that. No wonder Zayn fancied her.

"First I'd just like to thank you for the job offer." Said Jessica clasping her hands together.

"No worries." I said smiling and leaning back in my chair "I feel like we've had some miscommunication since day one and I'd really like to start on the right foot and properly introduce you to our firm."

"Thank you." she said then paused for a while "...But thats not why you called me here right?"

"You are absolutely right. You see I could have picked any other candidate but I specifically chose you and I would like it if I got a favour back from doing so."

I could see her halt and her smile waver just the slightest bit but then she brushed it off and said "Sure, anything."

"You history with Zayn."

Her smile disappeared "What about it..."

"You're his ex."

"If you want me to stay away from him you don't need to worry because that is exactly what I am planning to do—"

"Thats the exact opposite of what I'm asking." I said and watching as she frowned looking extremely confused. What i was doing was the exact bitch thing to do. I couldn't believe I actually had the balls to go through this. "Jessica, I'm going to let you on a little secret." Moving closer I kept my voice low even though I knew there was no one here to listen. "I want to divorce Zayn."

"But you're about to have a baby together!"

"Thats the thing, this baby was conceived in the wrong way and I don't want to bring a baby into this world in this situation. I need a new start."

Jessica remained quiet, she picked up one of those stress balls from my desk and concentrated on it "Why do you need me though?"

I stood up letting my hand trail the rim of the desk "You're my distraction. Your past feelings for Zayn should keep him occupied so that when I divorce it won't be that hard."

"...I have a boyfriend—"

"then break up with him!" I said realising that I was too harsh. I can't believe that I forced her to do such a thing. "Look Jessica, I really need you to cooperate with this. I don't want to bring my child up in this kind of life and when you're pregnant you'll understand where I'm coming from. My baby is the most important thing to me and I won't stop to get what I want."

Jessica seemed to consider this for a minute, she looked like she was having a mini-civil war with herself and it stressed me out every second that passed. She finally stood up "Okay I'll agree to do it as long as this plan is for the good of your child and not just to get back at Zayn."

I bit my lip, well in a way it was a method to get back at Zayn because I wanted to deprive him of his prize possession —this baby. I felt horrible for what I had to do but I needed her on my side for this to work "he's already got me pregnant, what more can I do."


Zayns POV:

"James Whittleton is coming in tomorrow." Derek said as he stood at the doorway of my office, he shoved his hands in his pocket and rocked on the balls of his feet "How'd your conversation with Lexi go?"

Forced to marry him! Completely re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now