Zayn the hero

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Lexi's POV:

"But I said I wanted a corner office!" Doniya's voice screeched from down the hall. I stopped walking and together me and Will glanced down the hallway and then exchanged a look.

"What's going on there?" He asked sipping his coffee. I turned my nose not liking the smell of coffee. If he got any close with that coffee I'm sure I'd throw up.

Doniya was starting her new job at the firm. YAY!....not. She was almost done with Uni and had to spend her last year working at a firm as an associate. So of course since her brother owned one of the biggest firms in Sydney she was working here. Which meant we'd see her face everyday for the next 7 months. It was good I'd be heading off for my maternity leave soon.

"Corner offices are only for the CEO's and the important people." Her assistant said as she held out Doniya's coffee.

"My brother owns this firm that makes me important enough." she said and I swear she just stomped her foot down like a small child "Now I want my corner office." Zayn happened to walk past then, talking away on his phone. She quickly grabbed him and put on her whiniest voice. I walked away, I was going to go mad if I stayed there for longer.

As I walked towards my office my eyes caught Megan. We made an awkward eye contact before I looked away. We still wouldn't talk and it annoyed me because I was too stubborn to apologise and so was she. It's not like I really needed her in my life anymore, I was leaving in 4 weeks. I was starting to slowly pack my bags keeping a suitcase at the bottom of the bed in another room.

And if it made it any worse Doniya still hated my guts. Every single time she'd walk past my office she'd sneer at me like an animal. I pretended to ignore it, just like I had done a million other times. But there was so much a person could take. As CEO I really could take action but I wasn't that type of person to do that to her, or to anyone.

But Doniya was so annoying and as the minutes turned to hours I really wanted to punch her in the face. First she had an office of her own even though she was only an associate and an assistant of her own. Then she was given the small task of sorting through the paperworks but she had come into my office and dumped that whole job on me. Oh did I also mention that she threatened me, if I didn't finish this job she'd tell Zayn my whole plan, just like that. I really was in a pickle.

So here I was, with a whole load of files on the table, trying to get this job done as soon as possible and at the same time trying to sort out the baby shower invitations. Yet again Tricia had it her way and managed to sneakily plan a baby shower going against mine and Zayn word. I wasn't looking forward to it and I really didn't want to go but what choice did I have, Tricia had yet again threatened me about my plan. I feel like everyone was using that against me cause I obviously didn't want Zayn to find out.

Zayn walked into my office "Do we still have those backup files on the computers downstairs?—" he asked then stopped when he saw what I was doing "What are you doing?"

I dumped a large file on the desk "Just sorting these files."

Zayn frowned "i thought that was Doniya's job."

I avoided eye contact opening the large file "She has another job."

"Which is filing her nails?" he said confused and knew something was up. Zayn sometimes knew me so well I didn't even need to speak "I'm going to tell her—"

"No!" I said grabbing his arm "I-I just like these ordered in a specific way." Then I tried to divert the conversation "The backup files are on the computers downstairs but you'll have to ask Andy for the password."

I thought he'd leave by then but he stood his ground leaning against the table just beside me. His hands caught my skirt and tugged me closer to him almost tripping me but he quickly caught me. His noes pressed against my chest and he breathed in "Not now, I have a lot of work to do." I said quickly.

Forced to marry him! Completely re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now