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"Hey you okay?" Derek asked my, playfully punching my shoulder.

I broke my train of thoughts my eyes glancing at Derek who took a bite out of my apple waiting for me to reply. "Yeah." I murmured, I couldn't get my mind off what happened last night. I still didn't understand why Lexi ran out of the room crying.

Did I hurt her during sex? Did I squeeze her boobs too hard? Did I touch her somewhere where I wasn't suppose to? I really couldn't get my head around it. One minute I was kissing her and then next minute I look up and she has tears down her face.

"Lexi started crying last night." I said instantly regretting saying it. Derek wouldn't understand but he pestered me to carry on "we were—"

"—Wait you guys had sex?!" Derek exclaimed a little too loud that Mindy my secretary could hear us.

I gave him a look. "I just don't understand why she'd start crying. I mean is sex with me really that horrible?" I was going crazy if I didn't know the real reason why she was angry. I couldn't get my mind off this.

"Zayn you need to relax." Derek said clapping me on the back "She's pregnant, she probably has 10,000 hormones racing through her body and she can't pick one from another."

That made sense...I guess

"If it makes you feel better Megan did the same thing, its just a female thing. And trust me you'll see more of this happening later on, so just get used to it."

I nodded, I guess that put me to ease "Just to be sure can Megan talk to her, I just want to make sure everything okay." I cared about this baby but at the same time I cared about Lexi, she was my wife and even though we've grown distant the feelings for her are still there.

"Megan and Lexi aren't talking." Derek said and I frowned "Didn't she tell you? They got into a fight."

"About what?"

"I don't know, something completely irrelevant. They'll make up soon. For now though just agree with everything Lexi says."

I never knew they were in a fight, I just wish Lexi would talk to me about these things, we'd always talk before about our day, about our plans....and now she wouldn't tell me a thing. She kept to herself and it was extremely hard to break down her walls. It was like walking around egg shells around her. one small crack and we were back to square one.


Lexi's POV:

I walked into work that day, dressed in my usual attire. I hoped that this morning my eyes didn't seem too red or that I showed no signs of a crying or anything. I just wanted this morning to go smoothly, to have no interactions with Zayn and then to make my way home and lock myself in the bathroom. I was basically living there anyway.

I could see Megan down the busy hallway, chatting away to one of the co-workers and Zayn who had just walked into his office his phone plastered to his ear.

And thats when I realised, for the first time I was alone, I had no "friend, friends". I mean I had friends but they were more of acquaintances rather than close friends. There was no one to chat away to this morning.

This was a good thing, I told myself, at least this time I could get a head-start on the loads of paperwork in my office.

Making my way to the office I realised that down the large hallway was Megan and she was coming my way.

"shit." I muttered to myself. I couldn't walk past her, it would be too awkward to do so. I made a quick judgement to walk on the other side, in front of the reception desk. But that was a big mistake as well because heading towards me was Zayn. Dressed down in his everyday suit, he walked towards me. He obviously didn't see me yet because he was looking down at the file in his hands.

Forced to marry him! Completely re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now