Chapter 17- hawaii

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The first thing we did once we reached our hotel in Hawaii was sleep......sleep like babies right through lunchtime and over 5 hours. We were still in bed, the sun was about to set and the wind had lightly picked up.
When we were told our hotel would be on the ocean they certainly weren't joking. Our hotel room literally sat on top of the water, only large fat poles stabilising it. In the middle of the living room there was a glass surface which gave us a perfect view of the reef, there were fishes, corals even sting rays beneath our hotel room.
I craned my neck a bit to glimpse at Zayn who was still fast asleep. He was on his back, my ear pressed against his chest and my left leg slung over his. I slowly untangled myself from him thinking I could make a quick dash outside and watch the sun set.
I padded down the two small steps that led to the living room- bare foot, shoved our obstructing suitcases out of the way then opened the balcony to meet the beautiful scenery. The wind raked through my hair whilst the minimum sun kissed my skin one last time. I clutched onto the railings seeing the sun make a slow decent behind the mountains.
Zayn joined me half way through and we both watched the sun set till it was completely obstructed from the mountains. He popped open a champagne bottle I hadn't seen him bring in, handed me a glass and raised a toast.
'Here's too a vacation away from our nagging parents' he said holding the wine glass higher, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
'And the stress of making babies.' I added chuckling as he agreed. I raised my wine glass higher till they both clinked then threw it back. It burned the back of my throat and I coughed slightly.
'Arghh, that tasted horrible.'
My throat slightly burned, I hardly ever had alcohol or champagne for that matter so I wasn't really used to the effects of it. Zayn seemed completely fine, he had dunked down the rest and had smiled mischievously at me. The burn was gone as my concentration focused solely on Zayn.
He stepped closer to me, the wind rustled his hair and the first two or three buttons of his shirt was unbuttoned. I raised my right hand hooking my index finger in his shirt and tugging him towards me. I met him halfway as he pulled me by the hips.
'What should we do today?' I mumbled into his shirt.
His hands squeezed tighter on my hips. 'I can think of a lot of things.......' He trailed off and I knew there was a meaning behind it -sexual meaning. '......but you can decide.'
It was on cue that my stomach growled and I smiled sheepishly 'lets go get lunch......or dinner.' I said frowning at the time. Just then a knock on the door had brought us to our senses. 'I'll go get it.' I offered Un-sticking myself from Zayn then making a windy path to our hotel door.
I opened the door and was greet by Luke and Perrie standing in our doorway!!!!!!!
Shocked and completely confused I did the first thing I could.
Shut the door on their face. My back pressed against the door and I tried to register what I saw. Were they actually standing outside our door or was I just hallucinating?
Zayn shoved some chips, munching loudly 'you okay pumpkin?' He was probably amused seeing my state -who wouldn't be.
I dropped my mouth open to speak but was cut off when someone knocked loudly on the door and Perrie's voice flooded the room. 'Zayn we know you're in there. Open up.' She hollered.
I wasn't hallucinating. Perrie and Luke were right behind this wooden door.
At the sound of Perries voice Zayn's eyes widened and he dropped the packet down putting a finger to his lips. I shook my head 'they already know we're in here. I opened the door an saw them standing there' I whispered.
He tipped his head back and groaned. 'Okay let's open the door.'
We forced a happy face on as we opened the door to see Luke and Perrie standing there. She was dressed in a black sheer dress that as usual barely reached her thigh and we could see a gold bikini because the material was that thin. Luke that stood next to her wore shorts and a shirt not even buttoned up.
I ignored him.
I had noticed that from the time we had opened the door Zayn's arms had immediately found their rightful place around my waist. He pulled me possessively to his side and I wasn't one to complain especially when Luke was eye raping me.
It was awkward silence at first. Luke glaring at ZAYNS arm around me and Perrie smirking in an adoring way at zayn. I wanted nothing but to shut the door in their faces just as I had done before.
I couldn't help but wonder just what they were doing here.
As if reading my mind Perrie answered my question. 'Me and Luke were just cruising around the island when we found out you two were staying here.' She said.
Cruising around? I bet they knew our honeymoon was at Hawaii and purposely decided to come here. What were they planning to do now? Flirt their way between us until we decided to break up?
I immediately became very possessive, if anything I stepped even closer to zayn and placed my hand on his chest just for good measure. I wanted Perrie to know that we were in love and that nothing she ever tried to do would break us apart. Me and zayn weren't that stupid. We don't fall for her slutty tricks.
'Isn't this so cool?!' She squealed none of us bothering to share her happiness.
I think Luke could see this was going nowhere. 'We were wondering if you wanted to come to dinner?' He said and when he said it, he said it right to me. He didn't even spare a glance at was so weird.
Zayns hands tightened around me 'nah we're cool man.'
Yet again Luke ignored zayn. I didn't like that. 'Its at a seafood restaurant, your favourite food.'
I hated seafood. Luke didn't know me at all! What was his problem? After we had broken up he had left me alone, never bothering to irritate me with his player ways, now that I have zayn he suddenly wants to shove his butt into my life. Is he so desperate that he need to fly down all this way just so he can ruin our honeymoons? Are they both that desperate?
'Dude, we said we didn't want to come-' zayn said but I cut him off.

'Seriously just leave us alone.' Then I did something that surprised me. I shit them both a glare, my hand stretched for the door handle and I swung it straight into their faces.

I locked the door feeling really bad for doing that but then I remembered the shit Luke had put me through and Perrie.......well the shit her fake tanned body out me through. They should both know that me and zayn don't care about them. To us they were the crazy ex-boyfriend and psych best friends little sister. We didn't want anything to do with them.

'She is such a bitch.' Said Perrie from the other side of the door. I smirked. I am an awesome bitch.

The door to our hotel room swung open and zayn kindly gestured for me to step in first. My heart was beating like a Congo drum, ever since we left the restaurant, every since zayn held my hand. It never failed to stop.

'So.....' I trailed off.

'So.' Zayn mimicked me whilst taking a seat on the bed.

'Ugh, come on Zayn.' I said sitting on his lap and fiddling with his hair. 'You know what happens now.'

He sighed pressing his forehead against my shoulder. 'I know......but I don't think we should do it tonight.'

Yea I'm shocked as well.

'Are you serious?' I hollered trying to get a good look at him. Did he have a concussion or something? 'We've known each other for over 9 months, we're in love and we're married! There's no excuse not to have sex!!'

He sighed avoiding eye contact. His fingers lightly brushed mine then altogether he entwined our fingers pulling them up to his lips where he placed a sweet kiss on the back of my palm. And during that whole process I watched him with loving eyes. I still couldn't believe I was married to such a amazing bloke. This guy really had every inch of my heart in his hands- the safest place.

'I don't want you regretting doing it by tomorrow morning.' He mumbled his thumb drawing circles.

I really do not understand men!

Here I am -basically on my freaking knees- begging him to have sex with me and the man wants to turn the offer down? Is this some kind of prank he's pulling off? Is he waiting for my to kiss his feet or something?

Cause I will do that if it comes to it.

'Giving up your virginity is a big thing.' Zayn continued looking me in the eye. His large hand cupped my right cheek. 'Once it's gone, it's gone forever. I think maybe we should give it a few days, think it over-'

So now whats a girl gotta do when a guy gives her the I-don't-want-you-to-regret-doing-it lecture?

Well I can assure you that I got down on both knees and begged him to do me. And when he didn't listen to that I threatened him that I would walk right down to Luke's room and do him instead.

That got him changing his mind.

A second after his cursing luke he had swooped me off my feet and let me crash into the bed. From then on things were.....not awkward, scary, painful or rushed. It was defiantly a moment I would never forget or regret.

He took his time. Didn't rush at all always asking my permission, always making sure I was comfortable. And I think that's what made things even more special was the fact that he was constantly looking out for me, caring for me in ways I could never imagine.

Our "do-not-disturb-time" was disturbed- unfortunately. When our phone started ringing. It was derek. A very excited, proud and hysterical derek. I remember the way ZAYN grumbled when he had to pick up the phone. The way his breath tickled my neck as he spoke to Derek congratulating him on the baby news. I remember the way his mischief smile replaced his face after the call ended and the way he placed loving kisses down the length of my arm.

I remember the way Zayn Malik made me feel like the most privileged wife in the world.

Sorry I haven't updated in quite a while. Been stressed with studies and life in general. I will try to update often but I can't be too sure on that.
Anyway hope u enjoy,



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