a dozen roses

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Chloe sat at her dressing table letting her bush rake though the length of her hair. She stared at ahead at her reflection and tried to smile but showed no happiness. Signing she let the brush clatter onto the top of her dressing table. Her eyes flickered over to me.

"Is it wrong that I don't want to do this?" She asked twirling with her fingers out of pure nervousness.

I smiled and made my way closer to her letting my fingers run though her hair as I pulled it off her shoulders "I completely understand, I felt the same way..." I said thinking about the time when I first met Zayn. It seemed so long ago even though about a year and a half has passed. I was so mad at him then but then I had grown to love him...was it the best thing?.... probably not.

Today was Chloes pre-engagement. Where she'd meet the man she'd stay with for the rest of her life. Chloe was as nervous and crazy as I was on the day. And I truly felt for her, cause I knew what it felt like to be in her shoes.

"I just cant deal with all this stress!" She said turning around to face me "What if he doesn't love me? What if he fools me into marriage then treats me like shit?"

I blinked, I couldn't express how real that sounded. Cause that was exactly what me and Zayn were going through. I was fooled into marriage and now he treats me like shit, and the love part....I was still contemplating whether he still loved me or not.

I sighed opening my mouth to tell her that she was wrong and that her future husband would truly love her. But why would I lie? I'd be no better than my mother, who lied to my face for majority of my life. I didn't know what to say. Mark's family —Future husband to be— was downstairs patiently waiting for Chloe so that the introduction and engagement preparations could be done.

When Chloe realised I wouldn't reply she sighed and looked away playing with the hem of her shirt "David told me he loved me yesterday." My head snapped in her direction. David her boyfriend of 3-years had finally said the L word! I couldn't help but be so happy for her.

But then it dawned on me, just how crazy and wrong this whole situation was. David loved Chloe but she was about to get married to a completely different guy —a stranger.

"Does David...know?" I tentatively asked glancing briefly at her.

She shot me a sad smile and nodded "He wants me to 'run away' with him." He wants me to be with him and he obviously doesn't approve of this arranged marriage." She sighed running her hand down her face. "But I don't know what to do! I want to be with David —who I love— but then I look at you and Zayn. And you both love each other so much that at times I really feel as though an arranged marriage is meant to be."

I couldn't help but snort because it was so wrong. The love she saw between me and Zayn had to be fake, because it didn't exist.

"Okay Chlo I'm not gonna lie to you. Arranged marriages are not the best thing to be very honest." I said feeling my voice waver as I did so "It seems like a great thing at first, specially when they pretend to love and care for you..." I trailed off thinking about the times Zayn had done just that "...but everyone has a purpose, and everyone wants to gain something..." I said feeling my eyes well with tears "So take it from me, don't do what I did or you'll end up married to a man that does not love you and heavily pregnant."

As I said what I had to say Chloes eyes got bigger and bigger every time. "Lex, I'm so sorry. I never knew—"

"Its okay." I replied waving away her hands 'It is what it is and I've already spent way too much time crying over this."

"I just can't believe he'd do such a thing"

"Forget about him, he's not worth it!" I said rolling my eyes and pretending I didn't give a care in the world "What's important is that David loves you and has genuine thoughts for your happiness. If its worth leaving all this for him, then I'm defiantly all for it."

Forced to marry him! Completely re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now