Chapter Nine: Maliks

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Hey guys

Firstly, just wanna say THANK YOU for all ur votes and comments and follows. It just made my day really, which is why I wrote an extra long chapter just for ya'll.

Secondly the engagement begins in the next chapter. YAAAYYY!!!! So get voting if u wanna read that.





It was all that filled the room.

The only sound was Zayn's heartbeat as my head was still on his chest.

After telling him my "story" he hadn't said a word and it scared me. I was afraid he suddenly realised what a bitch I was and after this he would want nothing to do with me. I was afraid that everything we went through from the dates to the close encounters with each other to the new property we are about to build - would all be gone.

I didn't want to think what he felt about me, I surely felt disgusted in myself but from another persons perspective -like Zayn's- wouldn't they be merely disgusted and angry?! I'm SURE with all the bones and what nots in my body that Zayn is ashamed of me, it's the only reason why he's being so......quite, the silence in this room is killing my ears.

I didn't know what to do, whether I should get up from my stiff position next to him or whether I should start crying and feel sorry for myself. I had already cried in front of Zayn and I didn't want to do it again and make him think I was a weak snob, which I already was.

I sat up sniffing as I went and stared ahead at his room. I didn't have the chance to fully interpret his room in detail. It was pretty clean, a few clothes here and there but basically really good. Up on the wall in front of the bed sat a big flat screen tv, blank from no use-

I felt the bed move and I immediately stiffened -alright this is where he tells me to get out of his room, then he'll barge over to our parents and call of this wedding.

I held my breath and waited for him to do just that, I waited for his booming voice to erupt.....but It didn't, instead he sat up next to me and snaked a hand around my waist pulling me over to his chest. The move was so generous, so.....normal that I collapsed against his chest.

'W-what?' I stuttered then pushed off him, sniffing again. 'Zayn I get your mad at me but you don't have to show any sympathy, this was my fault and I wish-'

'Im not mad at you.' He simply answered looking me straight in the eyes and when I looked at him, I realised his appearance showed nothing of anger just sympathy.

'B-but you were so silent, I-I thought you were angry at me-'

'I was only silent because I was thinking pumpkin.' He said brushing a strand of hair out of my face, still not breaking eye contact. I wanted to ask him what but I felt like there was a tennis ball stuck in my throat, instead Zayn answered 'I was thinking about you, you didn't deserve what happened, your father didn't die because of you-'

I could feel a rise of irritation through me because I didn't like the fact that zayn was sticking up for me. I didn't want him to do that, I was at fault here and there was nothing anyone could do. 'Yes he did Zayn! It was ALL because of me that my dad died, I told him "I hate him" and that was how-'

'He didn't get into that accident because you told him, it was a fate thing. Whether you said "I hate you" or not he still would of ended up in the position he was in.' Said Zayn and he moved closer to me, wrapping his arms around me.

Forced to marry him! Completely re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now