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I scrubbed and scrubbed at my arm till it became a pinkish red, it was as if I was trying to get rid of Zayn's scent, touch or whole existence off me. I hated him! I hated that asshole.

I felt used, disrespected and almost like a slut. I still couldn't believe he would hurt me like that, that he'd go through all this -the lying, the sweet fake talks- just to get me pregnant!

I winced when I thought about the time he had planted a kiss on my lips and told me how much he loved me. I was seriously starting to think he didn't love me at all. What type of husband goes against his wife's will and gets her pregnant?

The water was so hot it was starting to irritate my skin, i decided it was time to get out and do something useful. I could already hear Zayn in the bedroom so I decided I might as well get out an do something else a little more useful.

Grabbing the towel I quickly dried up myself and started to throw on my undergarments and a simple black top and white jeans. While I did so my fingers brushed just below my belly making me freeze. I had tried to avoid looking at my belly almost as if I thought that if I didn't look at it, it might not happen.

Looking at myself in the mirror I tried to imagine what it would be like if I was truly pregnant with a 9month old belly. I would look like a fat killer whale, with really huge bosoms -Zayn would not find that appealing. Does he even find me attractive? It was really hard to say what went through that mans mind. I didn't know if I could trust him enough right now, he played with my feelings and used me as if I was trash. And just like all other typical hollywood marriages I was just waiting for the secrecy and the cheating.

It scared me, it really did. I was petrified what would happen next, how would Zayn treat me now. Will we ever be the same? I highly doubt it. Zayn had his head stuck up in the clouds and there was no bringing him back down. I wasn't even going to try, I wanted out of all this. If I was pregnant I would do everything to protect this baby, and if we ended up with a divorce then I would do everything to keep this baby as mine.

I quickly grabbed my keys, wallet and sunglasses rushing around the room as quietly and quickly as possible. Zayn was in his study and I wanted by all means to just stay out his pathway and not give him the excuse to talk to me. Creaking down the stairs I quickly rushed to the front door and opened it only to see Zayns mother (Tricia) in mid-knock. I scoffed internally banging my head. Did she really have to be here? Out of all the times she chose now! Her hair was pulled back into a tight low bun and she had fresh new makeup applied, she looked like she was gong somewhere dressed in a professional skirt and blazer with heels putting my sneakers and jeans to shame.

She opened her mouth as if to criticise me or something, but I quickly cut her off "Zayns upstairs" I mumbled avoiding eye-contact and gathering my keys.

I was just going to push past her when she placed a hand on my arm stopping, I glanced down between her and my arm really unsure what to do with myself. "I actually want to speak to you..." she paused "How about a cup of tea in the backyard?"

So I ended up staying and making her a cup of tea. Through the cracks in the kitchen blinds I watched her take in every detail from the plants to how clean the swimming pool was. Whilst I waited for the tea to boil Zayn came down obviously stuck to his phone. My body tensed immediately and I forced myself to not look at him.

And likewise he acted as though I didn't exist, he grabbed a cup and continued to make his coffee in silence his eyes glued to his phone where he tapped away. Grabbing his coffee he went back upstairs. I let out a breath I realised I had been holding in the whole time. It was weird how he didn't even acknowledge his mothers presence in our backyard. Usually he was a mummy's boy and would run to her at every opportunity.

Forced to marry him! Completely re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now