Chapter Seven: The Surprise

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'Um we just passed my house.' I said glancing back at my house that was slowly turning small and small. I whipped my head back to Zayn's direction to see he was looking straight ahead, a small smile on his face. 'Zayn where are we going?' I asked tentatively.

Zayn glanced over at me then smirked a lopsided smile 'just somewhere.' He replied shortly.

I rolled my eyes at him 'yes I understand that, but exactly where is that "somewhere"?' We had finally pulled up at a red signal and he swiftly pressed on the brakes coming to a gentle halt.

He turned to me 'okay I'm not sure if your going to get mad at me or anything, but I just bought 1 acre of land a few weeks ago and there's a lot of construction going on.' He said drumming his fingers on the wheel as we waited patiently for the light to turn green. I was surprised at how calm he was even though this whole street was packed with the evening work traffic all wanting to go back home.

I huffed not really understanding what he said. He bought land that's good for him, there's construction going on- that's also good for him I just don't see why I'm dragged into this. I mean he could of dropped me of at my house then gone to this place.

'Zayn your not making any sense.'

He sighed then looked wearily at me 'okay, we are going to see the new land I bought for our new house.'

That's the sound of my mouth hanging open with such force it banged the bottom of the car floor.

A new house!

Already!! I mean we had only gone on one date and now there was a house in store for us!! Wtf?!

'We're not even married!!!' I exclaimed, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. The only thing running through my mind was house, house, house!!!! I guess I was hyperventilating because how fast this was going.

Zayn pressed on the accelerator making me fall back lightly in my chair. 'I know, I know but these brand new houses, they take months to be built.' He said scratching nervously at the back of his head, his eyes still peeled on the road 'we have to start now if we don't want to spend months after marriage living in my parents house.'

I could start to see sense in what he was saying, it would be wise enough to start building a house if we didn't want to live in the wrath of our parents. I mean there was always the option of living in a hotel for a few months, but we had such close families that they would never let us do a thing like that.

'Okay.' I blurted out making Zayn do a double take and glance weirdly at me just like he had done when I agreed to the date thing. His eyebrows were crinkled in confusion and he had his mouth opened but no words came out, so I spoke 'okay then, let's go see this house.' I said giving him a confident nod.



I looked over at the land that was cleared, it was quite a lot of land, not too much so it looked like one of those celebrity-million-dollar-houses. It was one acre which was a decent size. When we arrived at the spot there was already construction workers on the job, clearing a fair share of land where the house would be built.

The spot Zayn had chosen hadn't been that far. In fact it was just a 15 minute drive to both our parents house and a 20 minute drive to work which would be beneficial for the both of us.

The neighbourhood we were based in was close to other neighbours who had a decent style of living, right across us was an old lady living in a wooden house who -I noticed- had around three cats and on our left was a family of five that had a large white brick house.

Forced to marry him! Completely re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now