Chapter 4 | investigation

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The empty seat in the second row of the class was unusual, but everyone just figured that the boy who sat there must be sick for the day or something. The energy in the classroom was rather normal, chatter waiting for class to start and talk of what they'd be doing on the weekend.

It was only really Marinette and Alya that realised the teacher was late. Why? Because Marinette as usual came busting through the doors late apologising only to find no teacher.

"Where is Miss Bustier?" Marinette asked.

"No idea, she's never usually this late. Even you arrived sooner" Alya replied.

"It's a world first! Marinette Dupain Cheng arrives before the teacher"

The laughter from the girls as well as the chatter of the class stopped when the teacher walked in, followed by two police officers. The mood immediately shifted, why there cops here? What was going on?

"Good morning class, I'm afraid our usual lessons will be postponed until later today. Unfortunately... something has happened..." Miss Bustier began.

The students looked at each other in confusion. They weren't aware of anything happening today, especially not with cops.

"Adrien has gone missing"

Those words hit the class like a truck. Quiet shocked chatter breaking out among them.

"He's... what?" Marinette muttered.

"Missing? What happened?" Nino pondered.

"None of you are in trouble, but the police have to question everyone who knows him. They'll explain everything and then one by one you'll be questioned about your relationship with him and when you saw him last" Miss Bustier explained.

The chatter died down as one of the police officers stepped up to explain.

"I understand this might be upsetting or scary, but I can assure you we're working on this around the clock. This case is high profile. At some point last night he left everything behind including his phone and made it out the window avoiding security footage. At this point that's all we know, we don't know if he met with someone or if he's on his own or where he's going. His phone and computer have been taken in for any evidence and his father insists he doesn't know what lead up to this. The fact everything has been left behind makes it seem like he just vanished into thin air" the cop explained.

"Was he kidnapped?" Chloe spoke up.

"Did he run away?" Alya asked.

"Is he... alive?" Marinette added.

"We don't know if this is a runway or a kidnapping yet. There's no signs of forced entry so if it was a kidnapping then he must have known the person in order to willingly climb out the window to meet them. We don't have any suspects, we aren't even sure if it is a kidnapping or just a runway. Until we search his phone and computer we can't be sure. We need as much information as possible which is why we're questioning you all. As well as the people he's worked with and that know him from other schools"

While the bustle of worried classmates were being questioned one by one, someone else was down at another school.

Luka had no idea why he was pulled from class by a police officer, but when he was questioned out in the hallway his worries were peaked.

"He's missing?" Luka questioned.

"Yes, at some point last night he climbed out the window avoiding security footage and hasn't been seen since. There's no signs of forced entry or anything taken from his room. His phone and computer have been ceased to be searched for evidence. At this point we can't be sure if it's a runway or kidnapping by somebody he previously knew. So we're questioning everyone in relation to him. His father said you gave him a ride home yesterday correct?" The cop explained.

Vanished (Lukadrien) • Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now