Chapter 72 | battered but brave

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Waking up after one hell of a concussion and a surgery you had no idea even happened was one hell of a surreal feeling. Luka found himself drifting in and out of consciousness as he woke up, the anaesthesia wearing off and his head clearing.

Where was he? This didn't feel like his bed?

And why could he feel things on his arms and face? What happened.

He was blurry in memory ever since he hit the ground, he had no idea what happened after that hit. But as he began to open his eyes to the world again, he was met with a shocking discovery. He couldn't see out of his right eye.

He bought a hand up to his face, finding a medical patch over it. That's right... Felix jabbed him. Looking around with the good eye he could see he was in a hospital, and it was dark outside. What time it was he had no idea, and what exactly happened to him he didn't really know as well. But he could tell it probably wasn't good if he was in hospital.

Not only was he in hospital, he was hooked up to a heart monitor and had a bandage over his head with an eye patch. He felt nauseous, the concussion still wearing off, and he was sore where the ropes had dug into him. He went to reach for the bedside table hoping his phone might be there or something, when he saw who was in the bed next to him.

"Adrien" he said.

He went to go jump out of bed, but dizziness and nausea made him sit right back down. He took a second to keep himself throwing up, and spoke up again.

"Adrien, hey. Wake up!" He said, reaching over and poking him.

Adrien stirred from his sleep in the bed next to him and the second he saw Luka was awake, he jumped up and out of bed.

"Ow- my legs" he complained, still pushing himself across the room and up into Lukas bed.

Before he knew it, he was back in Adriens arms again.

"God I was so worried that knock to the head would put you in a coma or something. Thank god..." Adrien sighed in relief.

"What happened?" Luka asked, leaning against Adrien into the hug.

"Well good news and bad news. Good news first"

Adrien placed a kiss on his cheek and broke the hug to explain everything.

"We got the miraculous back. No more hawkmoth or Mayura, and the city isn't destroyed because Ladybugs power fixed it. And since Marinette only had a few cuts she was able to go home and put the miraculous back in the miracle box. Also in that fight I learned to power up my cataclysm" Adrien explained.

"Oh good, finally! I was beginning to think that the whole hawkmoth thing would never end" Luka sighed in relief.

"And the bad news... uh... well we kind took a really hard hit when we fell. I've been high off painkiller most of the night... and the doctors said that the hit will likely make my chronic pain flare ups worse. I can still fight, I'll just need to use the crutches more. As for you..."

Adrien was a little worried to tell Luka about his injuries, since it'd be a bit well... life changing.

"Your concussion should ware off soon, and the cut on the back of your head is alright just a bit bruised. But your eye... Felix jabbed it too hard so you were rushed into emergency surgery and they couldn't really do anything. So, you can't really see out of that eye anymore" Adrien explained.

Luka was silent for a moment. It wasn't so much the fact he was half blind that shocked him since he knew pretty much as soon as he was jabbed it'd do some serious damage. It was the fact a surgery and hospitalisation was required.

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