Chapter 59 | lies again

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Luka stood outside Adrien's school waiting for it to end so they cool walk back to his house for band practice. There were only a few weeks of the school year left and everyone was slowly winding down, classes being let out early and such. He knew that Adrien had art last period, so he'd probably be out soon given the time.

Some of the other classes had already been let out, and kids began walking home or waiting to be picked up. He sat on the steps, killing time by trying to write song lyrics. He'd gotten a few lines down, and ended up doodling things on the rest of the page while waiting for inspiration to hit.

"Just so you know, this little fling you have won't last long"

He almost jumped out of his skin when the silence was broken and a voice was heard from behind him. An annoying voice he knew all to well, brows furrowing in annoyance he sighed and stood up to face her.


"Funny, because we've already latest through half a disappearance case" Luka snapped back.

"Well as long as I'm around, this playground crush you have won't last" Lila sassed.

"You know how creepy you are right? You're OBSESSED with Adrien on an alarming level. Sabotaging others to get to him? Threatening those close to him? Siding with his abusive father to get close to him? You're desperate and pathetic Lila Rossi. And weather you like it or not, he likes me. He likes boys, sure girls too... but right now boys are the one thing on his mind. Me"

Lila crossed her arms, trying to seem strong and unbothered.

"Marinette and Chloe were way more creepy about it than I was I'll have you know, I was doing Adrien a favour by pushing them away" she scoffed.

"Siding with his abusive father and sabotaging his friendships isn't doing him a favour. You know the difference between Chloe, Marinette and you? They understand they can't control another persons feelings. They understand that Adrien will pick who he wants, that can move on. You're so hung up on a life of fame with an arm candy boyfriend you can't even see that he HATES you and your superficial idea of a relationship is nothing compared to what we have. Just accept that Adrien is MY boyfriend and YOU can't cornel who he falls for... got it?" Luka snapped.

As Lila rolled her eyes at him, over her shoulder Luka could see Adrien walk through the front doors of the school and approach them.

"Please! He adores me! That's why you won't last-"

"Really... why don't you ask him?"

Lila jumped when she realised Adrien was behind her, and had definitely heard her bullshit.


"Save it Lila. I don't have into pretend to be your friend anymore, leave me and my friends alone. Stop harassing Luka just because he's dating me. You're insane Lila, you shouldn't be in school you should be in a mental hospital..." Adrien snapped at her.

Speechless she stood there, watching as Adrien grabbed Lukas hand and dragged him away to walk home together. Lila felt the anger boil up inside her, and she was already plotting a really stupid move.

As Adrien walked home one hand in Lukas and the other holding his crutches he sighed in frustration.

"Wow, I was wondering when you'd finally snap" Luka said.

"I don't have to maintain a pretty image anymore. And after this year I'm sick of peoples bullshit, god I hate her and her creepy crush" Adrien replied.

"Tell me about it, she's obsessed. She needs serious help-"

Their walk home was suddenly shaken up by the sounds of distress behind him, and when they turned they saw what looked like an Akuma attack happening down the street.

"Shit- can you run?" Luka said.

"Not right now, I had a flare up last night" Adrien replied.

In one quick swoop, Luka picked up his boyfriend and dashed into a back alley where they both watched as the akuma attack got closer. They hid, watching the situation ready to transform if needed.

"Wait that's not an akuma... that's a senti monster" Adrien pointed out as the living statue Cupid looking creature chased down civilians.

"How can you tell?" Luka asked.

"There's no object for an an akuma to be in on them. So it's probably an amok being controlled from afar"

Looking closer at the chaos, and observing the creature Luka found Adrien was right.

"No akuma? Just a senti monster? Wait a second..."

Suddenly a horrible realisation dawned on Luka, and while it was good for the question of who had the miraculous it was a bad thing for their safety.

"It's Lila! She has the peacock miraculous! She threatens me, gets scolded by you and then not even a few minutes later there's a love based senti monster?" Luka explained.

Adrien has a horrified look on his face, as if Lila wasn't bad enough, now she was the second Mayura.

"Are you fucking with me? Why would Felix trust her of all people? Well... it's definitely her alright but that so- weird?! I didn't take Felix for the type to hang out with Lila. Then again, they are both good lairs..." Adrien said.

The familiar sound of ladybugs yo-yo swung over them and she landed silently and sneakily in the alley with them.

"There you are, what's the situation?" She asked.

"Adrien can't fight right now. I'll take him back to my place then come help, but Mari-bug we've just realised something" Luka began.

"Lila! She has the peacock. Not even a few minutes ago she was threatening Luka, then I finally told her to fuck off and now there's a love based senti monster? It's all to perfectly timed!" Adrien explained.

Marinette looked like she wanted to smash her head into a wall hearing those words.

"Lila? Goddamnit as if things weren't complicated enough. She'd probably be somewhere near school then, and whatever the amok is in she has... we'll have to disarm the senti monster, track her down and break the object. Damnit it just HAD to be Lila didn't it" she complained.

"On the bright side her anger made her stupid enough to pull this stunt... that exposed to us who she is. We have the upper hand we know it's Felix and Lila, but they have no idea we're Cat, Ladybug and Viperion" Luka added.

"You're right. At least one good thing comes from this..."

Vanished (Lukadrien) • Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now