Chapter 64 | plan into action

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Today was the day.

They'd planned it, they'd waited, today they'd attempt to get ladybug and cat noirs miraculous.

The last day of school was a regular old day for the kids, and as soon as the bell went everyone rushed out eager to start the holidays. Being the last day of the school year everyone was tired and in need of a break, Adrien and Luka had plans to meet up fully rested the next day and spend the first day of holidays together. The afternoon sun was shining down on Paris and no one thought much of the run of the mill day.

Expect Adrien...

He hadn't been able to shake the feeling something was wrong for weeks now. Maybe it was just anxiety, which he's definitely had a lot of after everything that happened. But he couldn't help feel uneasy.

While he sat outside the school waiting to get picked up, and saying goodbye to all his friend until the next time they saw each other, his worry told him to check up on his boyfriend. So he sent a text.

A: hey, just got out of school. Can you call me later tonight so we can organise tomorrow?

He didn't expect a reply right away, since Luka would probably be on his bike riding home right now, but he could help stare at the delivered icon next to the text waiting for it to turn to read. Eventually Lilith pulled up to take him home, and in the passenger seat of the car he sat staring at the screen waiting for a notification to pop up.

"Kitten you'll get square eyes if you keep starring at screens" Lilith joked.

"Yeah I know, it's bad for me. I'm just waiting for a text" He replied.

"Don't stress it, it's rush hour everyone is driving or riding home right now"

She was right, he shouldn't expect a text right away. But he still felt uneasy. Just for good measure, he sent one more.

A: maybe it's just anxiety but I feel kinda off today. Plz call me when you can ok? Love you xoxo

Hitting send and telling himself it was fine, he tried to focus on other things to keep his mind off it. Something like... food! He was hungry, it was about time for an after school snack.

"Hey can we get something from Marinettes bakery on the way home? I'm so hungry" he asked Lilith.

"Sure, I've been meaning to try those famous macrons anyway" she replied.

While Adrien was on his way home with a bakery detour, Luka was almost back at his place. It didn't take long on his bike to get back, he put it away on the deck of the houseboat and found his sister wasn't home yet. Not unusual as she was usually with rose after school so he didn't think much of it.

"Mum! I'm home" he called out.

Finding the doors were still locked he figured she must still be at work, and shrugged that off as well. It wasn't unusual to be the first home for him. Using his copy of the keys he let himself in the house, tossed his bag aside and sighed after a long day of school. He was so glad it was holidays, he needed a break. Heading to the kitchen he got himself a glass of water, thirsty from the ride home.

But when he put the glass in the sink, he noticed something.

The window was open.

He didn't leave it open... and his mum never does. His sister wouldn't have either. It was a rule for whoever left the house last to lock everything up. Suddenly he felt uneasy, this never happened...

He looked around the room, but everything seemed to be in its place. If someone broke in then they didn't rob the place... still he found that window being open suspicious. He carefully made his way down the hall looking for anything out of place.

Nothing. Everything was normal. Maybe he was just overthinking it, maybe someone really did just accidentally leave it open. Forcing the worry from his mind he turned to open the door to his room to do his usual after school activities. But that worry he had was warranted after all because when he opened the door, he immediately regretted it.

"I've been waiting for you Viperion..."

He almost had a heart attack seeing the purple suit everyone knew belonged to the butterfly miraculous. Although this wasn't the hawkmoth everyone knew, Gabriel was in prison after all. This was Felix, he knew it.

He didn't have time to react, he just had to act quickly.

"Feli- SASS, SCAL-"

Before he could even finish the sentence he fend a hand cover his mouth from behind and heard the most irritatingly familiar laugh.

"Not so fast, can't have you slither away from us now can we?"

Lila... the hand had a blue glove on it, telling him she had the peacock just as he thought. He struggled against her grip, but Felix was quick to jump in and stop him. The only one on Lukas side was sass, who was quick to try and grab the miraculous off Felix, but was swatted away. Luka shook his head at Sass telling him not to try and use his power as last time it caused some major problems. Kawamis need a holder to control the power after all.

"You're coming with us, you even TRY and get away and your miraculous gets it, we can easily make a senti monster strong enough to break it" Felix threatened.

This was bad, this was really bad. But he knew he couldn't risk breaking the miraculous, as he'd seen how badly it affected Nathalie when she used a broken one. And he also knew that there was likely an akuma in Felix's staff, ready to get him at any moment as well as the fact Lila could make a senti monster right behind him. He didn't have a choice, he couldn't escape right now. Maybe he'd find a window I'd opportunity when they got to wherever they were planning on taking him.

"Don't even try and fight back, all I have to do is open this staff and your akumatized-" Felix smirked, as he could feel Lila tying his hands behind his back.

"And don't try and transform until we tell you to got it?" Lila added, slapping tape over his mouth.

Until we tell you to?

They WANTED him to transform at some point? What were they planning with that..?

The only thing he could do right now was sit tight, go along with it and wait for a chance to get out. If he couldn't do that he knew that Ladybug and Cat Noir would come for him at the first sign of something being off, especially Cat.

And if worst came to worse... he did have a trick down his shirt...

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