Chapter 45 | whistleblower

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It's been a few weeks since Luka asked Nathalie to testify against Gabriel, and things had been quiet while she was still recovering. But today was the day she was discharged from hospital, and the day she was able to finally sound the alarm on what Gabriel had told her about his plan over the course of her recovery.

She'd been given medication for her condition, and was now able to walk about totally fine and felt much much better. Of course, the damage wouldn't ever go away, but now it could at least be managed with medicine and an appropriate lifestyle. She could fight in a pinch, but too much physical activity would take a toll on her. She'd still get dizzy spells every so often, but they'd been reduced.

She felt much better, a little groggy but much better.

She'd told Gabriel that she'd be seeing her parents before coming back to work, which he understood since obviously her parents would be worried about her. But in reality she was telling Adrien of the plan, and then heading to the police to give her statement. After that she'd actually got back to her parents who'd been informed of the situation (minus the hawkmoth bit) and would be kept with Nathalie under protection thanks to Chloe getting her dad to make sure Nathalie wouldn't be targeted by an angry Gabriel after turning on him. Chloe just wanted Adrien back, and for once she was using her power as mayors daughter for good.

So finally, she was free from her hospital bed and took a taxi down to the apartment complex Adrien was staying at. It was about lunch, so unless he had work surely he'd be home. Heading up the stairs, slightly out of breath due to her health, she could smell something amazing coming from the top floor. As she got closer she realised it was coming from Adrien's apartment.

When she knocked on the door, Adrien answered and was actually quite pleased to see her.

"Nathalie! You're ok! You came at a good time too Delilah just made muffins and dropped me some" Adrien smiled.

Ah, she missed that smile. It reminded her of the happy kid he was before everything went downhill. Letting her in, Adrien had her sit opposite him at the table. Last time they sat like this he got he worst news of his life... things would be different this time though. Offering her a fresh muffin, she took it. It was so much better than hospital food.

"Alright... there's been some progress. Two things actually. I have the details of the hawkmoth plan, and your friend Luka visited me" Nathalie began.

"Luka visited you? What for?" Adrien asked, slightly confused as he hadn't heard about this from his boyfriend.

"He came to me begging to testify against Gabriel, he knew that I'd seen everything that happened in the house and if I gave my statement then there'd be grounds for an arrest and trial... I'm going to do it" Nathalie explained.

Adrien took a moment to process that, she was really going to do it? His dad would finally be arrested for his crimes? After 8 long months of hiding, Gabriel would finally be arrested? He couldn't even begin to explain how happy he was. Even if he was able to do some bullshit trickery and pay people off, at least the public would see him arrested and he'd never be able to show his face again.

"He's finally going to be arrested... of course Luka was the one who asked, he's always looking out for me. He's been behind almost all of the search efforts too..." Adrien said.

"He really cares for you, if he was willing to come into my hospital room and beg me for it he clearly loves you a lot"

The fact she used 'loves you' meant she absolutely knew there were romantic emotions between him and Luka, it made Adrien blush a little.

"Y-yeah he really does love me. And I love him too... b-but what about you? Isn't it risky to turn on Gabriel?" He asked.

"It is, but Luka also got Chloe involved believe it or not. She's got her father to provide me with witness protection of sorts. If he does come after me while I'm staying with my parents he'll be arrested on the spot" Nathalie explained.

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