Chapter 44 | sneak

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While Luka was happy with Adrien, there was one slight problem. Hiding him had been a bit of a challenge, he'd had to sneak around a lot to see him. On weekends it was easy to just say 'I'm hanging out with friends' and have his parents not question it. But there's been times he's had to sneak out at night to go see him.

While being Viperion did make sneaking around rather easy, it was the excuses and explanations that made things complicated. He'd been lucky not to get caught sneaking out, and so far he'd been able to just say he was a bit late coming home from school or errands whenever he was out for too long. Recently he'd had to be a pretty big support for his boyfriends, after all the shit that he went though he needed a shoulder to cry on sometimes.

They supported each other a lot. When Luka was going through the mess of not knowing his dad and then finding out it was jagged stone, Adrien was there for him. And now Adrien was going though a lot, Luka would be there for him.

He'd awoken to his phone buzzing with notifications in the middle of the night, and he sleepily picked up it up to see messages from Adrien.

Kitty 💚: hey, I know it's late and you're probably asleep but I just had a flare up. Can you please come over? I ran out of pain killers.

Poor baby, Luka was immediately a bit worried. Even though Adriens pains were under good control now, flare ups still happened. It wasn't exactly something you could get rid of. If he was messaging Luka for them instead of asking Delilah and Lilith it meant they were probably out for the night and Luka was his only option. Adrien wouldn't wake his boyfriend unless it was urgent.

Luka: I'll be there ASAP. Expect Viperion on your balcony in a few minutes.

"Wake up sass, we gotta make a trip to Adrien" Luka whispered.

The tiny snake awoke him his slumber and yawned, little fangs showing.

"At midnight?" Sass asked.

"He needs painkillers. Flare up"

Getting out of bed and pouting some slippers on, he put his phone in his pyjama pants pocket and quietly went into the bathroom to dig through the medicine cabinet for pain killers. When he found them he stuffed them in his pocket too and went to the window to transform and sneak out. As quietly as possible he pushed the window open, his kwami following him.

"Shh, don't make so much noise you'll wake someone up" sass said.

"I know, this window is never completely silent..." Luka whispered.

Pushing the window up completely, he stepped up onto it and looked around outside to make sure no one was around. It being the middle of the night, the coast was pretty clear.

"Ok, sass scales sl-"

"Luka what are you doing at midnight?"

Jumping out of his skin, he turned to see none other than his sister up and wondering what the noise was. Sass immediately zipped behind his holder making sure not to be spotted.

"Jueleka! I was uh..."

"Sneaking out? Where?" She asked.

"N-no it's just... I was just closing this..."

"By standing on the windowsill?"

Shit, fuck even. How did he get out of this? He didn't want to lie to his own sister but he kind of had to. Plus, it was rather incriminating being caught hanging out the window like this.

"Dude I don't care if you're sneaking out, I won't tell mum but where are you going?" Juleka asked.

With how close the two were, he wasn't surprised that she was willing to cover up him sneaking out. But it was a complicated situation to explain where he was going.

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