Chapter 14 | found and relocated

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After more than a few months in this building, Adrien has gotten quite used to it. Although as the nights grew colder and he found himself needing an extra blanket, he knew that the lack of heating would eventually become a problem. Tonight though, was a rather middle ground temperature. He had to pull on a hoodie but it wasn't freezing, he'd fallen asleep by the light of a battery powered nightlight he got with his latest pay on the sofa he'd been using as a bed these last few months.

A lot of changed since he left, as to be expected when you runaway and start a new life. But he was still alive, still managing. He was a bit worried though, as winter came he knew things would get harder. He was resting up as much a possible nowadays, he was working hard at his new job which meant he was a lot more sore and tired than usual.

Plagg liked to sleep in Adriens pockets to stay warm in the cooler nights, and only when Adrien rolled over in his sleep that that a problem. Other than that, it was rather comfortable.

So there they lay as they had the last few months, soundly asleep in the run down old building. But tonight, something was going down that would change everything.

What Adrien didn't know was that locals had realised there was a presence in the run down building, and someone has finally reported it...

"If there's any deals going down here it'd be at night, less obvious in the dark"

"Could we have done this earlier? The darker it is the more dangerous it'll be inside"

"We're trying to catch potential drug dealers here. It's best to catch them in the act, and night is the best time for that"

That's right, once it was reported there was someone hanging around the building the police figured it may be being used as a place for drug deals. Even though people never really went near the building, it seemed someone had finally found a way in.

"Hang on let me pick the lock on the gate"

"Don't make too much noise. If there is someone inside we can't to catch them off guard"

Two cops were on the scene. Officer Denise and her partner for the night Officer Andy, the two of them assigned to look into what was going on in the building. Once they'd gotten the lock off, they looked around the building for a way in, finding one of the windows slightly ajar. Once inside they turned on their flashlights, and began to look around.

"This place was an office building right?" Denise asked.

"Yeah looks like it, I think it was an accounting place or something" Andy replied.

"It looks recently cleaned... all the debris is pushed to the side and it's not as dusty as I thought..."

"It does look rather near for being almost 20 years abandoned"

Scanning the bottom floor they found nothing but the stuff left behind when the building was shut down, so they went to the second, then the third and finally up to the fourth.

"Hey Andy... looks like someone has been here. There's a recent newspaper"

Walking over to the table, the officer shined his light on the newspaper and the date was only a few weeks old.

"You're right, maybe this floor is where they hideout" he replied.

Denise turned the corner into the next room, and she stopped in her tracks when she did.

"ANDY!" She whisper yelled.

He quietly rushed over and saw the same sight as she did.

"Is that a kid?" He asked.

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