Chapter 38 | intervention

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"No no, I can do this!"

"You're an idiot"

"WATCH ME! I swear I can do it!"

The group was rather amused by the dumbass twins otherwise known as Alix and Kim partaking on yet another bet. This time it was who would last in the cold water the longest. The weather was frigid and within a month there'd definitely be snow, but the two were determined to out-bet each other and were about to jump into the lake in the middle of winter to see who'd last the longest.

"If you can't even dip a toe in I bet you won't last long!" Alix teased.

"I'm a swimmer Alix, you're gonna loose so bad" Kim replied.

"Ok, ready? I'm starting the timer in 3, 2... 1!"

As Max started the timer, the two jumped into the cold water with a shriek. The race was on now. Marinette stood by with towels and warm coats for when they eventually got out, laughing at the reaction along with the rest of the group.

The only one who wasn't laughing was Lila, who again had gate crashed. She sat on a bench off to the side of the group, watching and thinking they were all idiots for finding something like this entertaining.

"That's 1 minuet passed!" Max announced.

"This is easy" Kim boasted.

"You're literally shivering" Alix sassed.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Of all the bets they'd done in the past this was by far the dumbest. They were crazy for getting into the lake when it was THIS cold, Luka felt cold just watching them. He stopped by to watch after he'd finished his deliveries, planning on going to see Adrien later. He wasn't too pleased to see Lila, but wasn't planning on staying for long anyway so it was easier to ignore her. She didn't seem to be participating anyway.

"Absolutely idiocy..."

For a moment Lila jumped at the voice, since it sounded oh so familiar. But when she tuned she wasn't met with Adrien, but rather his cousin who she'd only heard about in passing.

"Oh- yeah I know right? How could anyone find that entertaining..." she sighed.

She was a little confused as to why Felix was there or how he even found the group, but she didn't question it. Maybe Gabriel sent him.

"Felix right?" She asked.

"Correct. You're Lila, the one my uncle is working with" Felix replied.

Oh so he knew did he? He too was aware of the hawkmoth situation. Of course the version Lila got was a condensed one, she was only aware of Gabriel being hawkmoth to revive Emilie and nothing more. She didn't find it odd Felix knew, as it seemed Adrien was the only one in the family who didn't.

"I am, why?" She replied.

"I figured I should at least see the person that's working with him. Tell me Lila why are you?" Felix asked.

"Because, I hate ladybug. She's a scheming bitch-"

"I see. That's it? Nothing else"

"Gabriel said I make a good akuma victim, and if I complied I'd get to join the company as a model. It just so happened I hated Ladybug too"

"No crush on my cousin?"

Damn, he was good. He seemed to know everything.

"Well... initially. But he's god knows where now, can't do much about it. I'm still willing to help though, I want to see ladybugs downfall" Lila replied.

There was a moment of silence while the two watched as Kim bailed and got out of the water leaving Alix the winner as usual. Lila wondered why they kept making bets with Alix won every time, it was stupid to her.

"Lila I have a preposition for you, it'd offer greater things than Gabriel can. But of course... here isn't exactly the best place" Felix spoke.

Lila was intrigued. Better than seeing Ladybugs downfall and a spot in the company? Consider her interest peaked.

"Alright, let's talk then" she replied, getting up to head further away from the group.

Now the bet was over, and Alix has successfully stood in the freezing cold water for 4 minutes straight and won, the participants dried off and wrapped up in the coats feeling much warmer.

"Pay up" Alix said.

"Fine... but I'll beat you next bet" Kim replied, handing over the betted money.

"Looks like I'm buying myself a hot chocolate to warm up after this. Who's coming to the cafe with me?"

The group was eager to head to the nearby to get out of the cold and grab some snacks. But Luka had to get home so he could finish his work before heading out again to see his boyfriend.

"I have more work to do, I'll join you guys next time ok?" He said, jumping back on his bike.

"Aww, alright we'll catch you later" Alix replied.

"Hang on Luka-"

As the group gathered their stuff to head to the cafe Marinette stopped Luka from riding off.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Are you seeing this..?"

She pointed up at the top of the hill by the lake, and under the tree stood none other than Lila and Felix, talking about something probably sinister.

"That's... alarming" he admitted.

"I'll keep an eye on Lila, Felix will probably have to leave after this chat. You know that family, always on some kind of schedule" Marinette said.

"I'll tell Adrien, maybe he'll know why Felix is here anyway"

With that agreement, they parted ways. Riding his bike back to his place he couldn't help but wonder what Felix was planning. He was a shady character to begin with, trying to trick Marinette as Ladybug into kissing him as Adrien to take her miraculous was scummy. Not to mention borderline assault. Luka couldn't help but wonder why the whole family was shady expect for Adrien. Maybe it was the fact he was created out if pure love that made him so sweet.

Whatever the reason he was glad that Adrien was away from that family now. When hey got home, he was the only one there. Jueleka with the group and his parents out working he was only really there to drop his bike back off and grab some stuff to take to Adriens.

They'd decided to make a scrapbook of photos of them as a fun little date, so he had some photos and craft supplies to bring over. Packing some stuff into his bag, he made sure no one was around before transforming into Viperion to head out.

Before he left though, he glanced over at the photo of him and Adrien by his bed he'd made a copy of to put in the scrapbook. It was his favourite photo of them. As he gazed upon it, the same question he's had since the situation started lingered in his mind.

"What's up with your family Adrien? Why are you the only good one there is..?"

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