Chapter 23 | mouth shut, eyes peeled

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The next day at the usual group hangout was a bit awkward. Everyone was still talking about how Adrien had been missing for months but Luka? He just talked to him last night. He couldn't say anything, and he didn't plan to since it'd put Adrien in potential danger of word got out. So while everyone sat around the park talking about it, Luka was silent.

He wasn't the only silent one though. Marinette had barely said a word, she seemed to be in deep thought.

"What's wrong?"

She napped from her daze when she heard Lukas voice.

"Huh?" He muttered.

"You're quiet, what's up?" He asked.

"Oh it's just... I'm thinking I guess"

"What about?"

She was silent, even though she'd told Luka about the hawkmoth thing she did it as Ladybug and she still had no idea Luka knew about her identity.

"Just... why hawkmoth might be doing what he's doing. I mean he kinda just came out of nowhere and so did ladybug and cat noir" she said.

That was a half truth, she did want to know why the hell hawkmoth was even doing this. But she was more hung up in the thought that hawkmoth could be Gabriel, like Luka she had that horrid realisation too.

"I guess it is a bit strange he just kind of appeared... and he clearly had his miraculous for a while before using it so what was he doing with it then?" Luka pondered.

"... I didn't think about that. He had the peacock too but mayura was using it and now she's vanished, what happened to her?" Marinette added.

There was a lot to the hawkmoth thing that made no sense, why was he doing it? How did he get the butterfly and peacock? Where did mayura go? Does he have something to do with cat noirs vanishing?

"I uh... I hope ladybug figures it all out soon" Marinette said.

"Yeah, me too. She's smart, I know she'll figure it out eventually" Luka smiled, knowing full well Marinette was referring to herself there.

As if the whole situation couldn't get more stressful, the whole thing just did. Their conversation was cut short when a very annoying but familiar voice could be heard approaching the group.

"Hey everyone!"

Marinettes gaze angered.

"Lila..." she muttered.

The brunette was various hellos from the rest of the group.

"Oh her... what's with the snarl?" Luka asked, having not met her before.

"She lies out her ass- even got be expelled once. The only person who was on my side was... Adrien..." Marinette replied.

Luka already didn't like her. A liar and got his ex who he still cares for expelled? Gross.

Sometimes a lie is a necessary evil, like Luka keeping Adrien a secret for his own safety. But most of the time, lies fo nothing but hurt and are completely pointless.

"Where have you been the last few months?" Alix asked.

"I was... in hospital! My appendix burst and the doctors said I'd gotten so bad I had to stay in recovery for way longer than usual. But I'm totally ok now, no need to worry" Lila lied.

Marinette sighed in annoyance.

"Yeah right... you've used that one before..." she scoffed under her breath.

Vanished (Lukadrien) • Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now