Chapter 54 | liars

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The media circus that was the Adrien Agreste case was finally dying down now the trail was over and he was safe. He was due to go back to school soon and things finally starting going back to a better version of normal in his civilian life. But the last 9 months have been tiring to say the least, all the stress, late nights and running around Paris really had him beat.

All he wanted to do was sleep but he couldn't seem to do so. He tried in vain to fall asleep but it just didn't seem to be working, so there he lay staring up at the roof in bed with Plagg passed out on the pillow next to him. He felt the need to do one of those soul snatching stretches you do when you've been cramped up for a long time, but no matter how many of them he did he couldn't shake the tenseness away.

Maybe he was just permanently anxious now, after all that happened who wouldn't be?

Hearing a thump on the balcony, he knew exactly what it was. Turning to face the sliding glass doors he was met with Luka de-transforming and coming in. A smile crept across his lips.

"It's a school night for you, you know?" Adrien teased.

"I know. But I couldn't sleep. From the looks of things neither could you" Luka replied.

Slipping into bed next to Adrien like it was nothing the two were huddled up together as usual. Most late night visits ended up in sleepy chats about all kind of random things huddled together in bed.

"You ready to go back to school after everything that happened?" Luka asked.

"Yeah, I missed everyone. I just want life to go back to normal and it's finally heading that way" Adrien replied.

They only had a few years of school left, and after being homeschooled for most his life and then out of school while in hiding Adrien wanted to have the normal kid school experience. Even if school was boring as hell sometimes.

"Only one person I'm not looking forward to seeing again" Adrien sighed.



"Ah- yeah I don't blame you. Bet she'll try and lie about leading the taskforce that was out to find you or something. Like she tried to lie you two had a thing right to my face..." Luka scoffed.

Clearly, the two hated Lila.

"And to think she was potentially in on the hawkmoth stuff too... I really don't want to deal with her. But I mean I can't really avoid her when she's in my class. Poor Nath having to sit next to her, can she swap classes with Marc or something? Let the art boyfriends sit together" Adrien rambled.

Oh poor Nathaniel, stuck next to the compulsive liar and not his own boyfriend. Tragic. Even though he didn't know the full truth about Lila, just from seeing the two in the back row during class Adrien could tell Nath just wanted to be left alone to draw and not lied to all the time.

"Well maybe now Gabriel is in prison and it's public information we're dating she'll leave you alone since there's nothing in it for her" Luka pondered.

"I fucking hope. You'll message me during class right?"

"As long as we don't get caught and have our phones confiscated expect messages through the whole day"

They kind of wished they went to the same school, it would be fun to go to the same school as your boyfriend. But Luka absolutely deserved his spot at music school and worked hard for it, so he wasn't going to give that spot up to transfer. As long as they saw each other after school it'd be fine.

Resting his head on his boyfriends shoulder, Adrien felt safe up against Luka, never wanting him to leave his side.

"Where do you think those miraculouses are?" Adrien asked.

"I wish I knew. It'd make things so much easier..." Luka sighed.

The whole situation with the miraculous depressed Adrien. Even though he was told over and over again by those who knew that he was so much more than just an amok, and Luka had his ring that was trusted with him... sometimes he felt inferior to those around him.

"Luka when we grow old... will I just keep going? You know because I'm a sent-human? What happens to me when I'm on the brink of death?" He asked.

The sudden dark question shocked Luka a little, but it was a difficult thing to go through when you realise something so major about yourself.

"Well considering your mum made you to be a human born from love and you have every single trait of a human I'm guessing that you'll just grow old and die as a normal human would" Luka answered.

"If for some reason that doesn't happen, when we're both old and on our death beds, promise me that as you draw your last breath to release me fr existence so I can die alongside you after a long, fun, loving life together"

It was a morbid thought, but bittersweet in a way. The fact Adrien wanted nothing more than to live his whole life deeply in love with Luka up to the point they grow old and die together was sweet. But the fact he at such a young age was already thinking about dying was upsetting. Given all he'd been though and having experienced the death of his mother, Luka honestly wasn't surprised that the thought had crossed his mind. But it still saddened him.

"I promise. But that's like 80 years in the future or something. We're both still young, you're still young. Don't think about such dark things when you should be enjoying your youth, I know it's hard when you've been through everything you did, but it's better in the long run to focus on the positives and enjoy life" Luka explained.

Wrapping his arms around Luka, Adrien rested his head on his boyfriends chest and sighed. He just wanted to be held, to be told he was loved. That's all he needed in life. Luka wrapped an arm around him and gently rubbed his back.

"I've said it once I'll say it again. You're a remarkable creation Adrien, not just a sent-human. You're one of the most complex, compassionate and beautiful creatures every created. And the fact you're made up of love makes you even more special. You'll always be human to me, you are human Adrien. I love you no matter what you are or who you choose to be" Luka assured, placing a kiss on Adriens forehead.

"Thank you, I love you..." he replied, a smile across his lips.

Snuggled up together, the two enjoyed each others warm embrace slowly falling asleep together.

As the boys slowly drifted off, their kwami watched from their spot on Adriens desk.

Plagg in particular was rather invested. He'd always ragged on about how love was boring and the only thing he loved was cheese. But he knew how important love was to Adrien, and the fact he was essentially the personification of love itself made him see it in a new light. Plagg was proud of his favourite Cat Noir, and so glad to see him happy and thriving with a wonderful boyfriend.

"You ssseem rather intrigued" sass said.

"I'm just happy for him" Plagg replied.

"I thought you didn't care for love"

"I don't... but he does and that's all that matters. As long as my favourite holder is happy, then so am I. Luka is perfect for him, you've got a great holder"

Sass watched with Plagg as their holders bordered on dreamland all tangled up together under the warm blankets. He too, was happy for Luka.

"I'm proud of my Luka too, he'sss grown a lot over the time we've been together. And Adrien makesss him oh so happy, it's a wonderful sssight" sass added.

Things were finally looking up for the young couple. And as soon as this miraculous mess was over, they could finally go back to living a normal high-school life as young lovers, intent on spending their lives together.

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