Chapter 70 | to the rescue

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Adrien had been sitting in the alleyway with Luka for a while now. Luka was barely conscious, and Adrien was in so much pain he felt like death.

Marinette said she knew who to get help from. But she'd been a while...

Adrien sat up against the wall, Luka cradled in his arms. They both looked like they'd been dragged through hell and back, and they felt like they had really.

"Just hang on a little longer ok? She won't leave us here, I know she won't" Adrien reassured.

Luka was awake, but so fuzzy and concussed and racked with pain he couldn't even respond just lay against his boyfriend who held the ripped up shirt of his over his jabbed eye to stop the bleeding.

Tired physically and exhausted emotionally, they both just sat there wanting to fall asleep as soon as possible. And luckily for them they'd be able to do that soon. The darkness in the alley was suddenly disrupted by headlights being shined in their direction, making Adrien bring a hand up to shield the light from his eyes.


That was Marinette...

"Don't worry I've sorted something out and you can get treated without anyone leaking your identities"

That was... Nathalie?

When his vision cleared from the headlights he saw both girls walking toward them, Nathalie looked much better than she did before. She my be chronically ill now but she was doing much better since she was treated.

"Oh thank god-" Adrien sighed.

Nathalie and Marinette helped pick Luka up and gave Adrien his crutches so he could get to the car. The boys sat in the back seat, Marinette in the front passenger seat with an ice pack on her bruised cheek and Nathalie didn't waste any time driving to hospital.

"Marinette how did you even find us?" Adrien asked.

"I know you'd be somewhere accessible but hidden so you could move if you had to, so I checked the alleys and shrouded paths until I found you. I figured as soon as you two got seriously hurt you'd need treatment so I took a guess that Nathalie could help" she explained.

"Even if I don't work for Gabriel anymore I still have a high ranking in the workforce, and underground connections if push came to shove. I can get you all treated without any doctors spilling the secret. With those injuries right after a massive public fight it's easy to figure out what happened to you" Nathalie explained.

"Thank you, you really are doing everything you can to make up for Gabriel's actions huh?" Adrien sighed in relief.

"I'll do anything to make sure you know I don't stand with him anymore"

Adrien knew that as soon as she gave him the amok ring, but it was nice to know he could fall back on her in times of need and that she really means it.

"How's Luka?" Marinette asked.

"Not good... when we landed he hit his head really hard and he's conscious but very concussed and dissociated. I'm so worried about his eye, it's been bleeding non stop and Felix jabbed it really hard" He explained.

"We'll get him into emergency surgery then, what about you?" Nathalie asked.

"I feel like my whole body is on fire but other than that I'm ok. Not going to help the chronic pain though... Marinette are you ok?"

"Apart from that bruise Lila gave me and a bonk on the head from the fight I'm alright. You two are more beat up than me. I had no idea you could make a cataclysm that big, but k get why you did it" she replied.

"I had no idea I could do that either. Safe to say I'm saving that powerful for emergencies only"

The second they pulled into the hospital things went by pretty quick and chaotically, Luka was whisked off into emergency surgery as soon as they got there, Adrien was taken to by drugged up on some heavy pain killer and get some x rays to make sure nothing was broken and they took Marinette to make sure that bash on the head wouldn't need any stitches.

Apparently they were separated for hours, but in the rush and Adriens high state from the pain killers it felt like he blinked and it all went by. One minute he was in the car, next minute he was in a hospital bed higher than a kite and numb all over. Marinette sat relatively unharmed next to him with a big medical patch over the bash on her head and a a nasty bruise on her cheek. Luckily the two of them made it out with no permanent damage, just a hell of a lot of pain and a few scars.

Luka on the other hand, was a mystery to them at the moment. Still being operated on, and no word of if he was ok.

"How the hell are we going to explain this to our parents? My mum and dad are probably looking for me..." Marinette sighed.

"Oh god, yeah... Lilith and Delilah are probably worried sick" Adrien replied.

"And how will LUKAS parents react? The boat was broken into, their son kidnapped and now he's in emergency surgery? God this was the one part we didn't think through..."

"We didn't have time to think, we just had to act fast. But in the end we got the miraculous back, so at least we did something right"

Marinette had the two missing miraculous stuffed safely in her bag, Tikki guarding them. The second she got home they were going on the miracle box and staying in there.

"I can't think of a way out of this... I think... we don't have a choice and we HAVE to tell our parents" Marinette said.

"Yeah I can't think of a way out of it either... hopefully it'll be ok and they'll keep it a secret. I mean without a villain it does mean there's less of a risk, so if it's just each other and our close family that know we should be ok right?" Adrien replied.

"I hope so, we really can't get out of this I mean how do we make an excuse for... all this?!"

She gestured to Adrien clearly high off his head on the painkiller, and how that would be rather hard to hide.

"Tell me about it, what could you say about your head? Hey mum and dad I just ran into a door REALLY hard and had to go to the hospital at 9pm" Adrien joked.

"They'd never buy that, god this makes me so nervous... what if they get mad or something?"

"Your parents? No way. They'd jump into a crocodile pit for you, if anything they'd be proud of you for saving Paris all the time" Adrien reassured.

"I guess... how do you think Lilith and Delilah will react?" Marinette replied.

"Honestly... I think they'll be ok. I came to them under a false name anyway and they'd fill accepted me even when they found out I was actually a missing famous model. If anything I bet they'd treat it like... like I was coming out or something..."

"Cat Noir-gender?" Marinette snickered.

"meow pronouns" Adrien snickered back.

They didn't mean any harm by the little joke, and found it amusing that such a comparison was actually rather accurate to how Lilith and Delilah would react.

"I guess we have to call them" Marinette said, a slight tremble of fear in her voice.

She looked down at her phone, gathering up the courage to call her parents. Adrien reached for his phone off the bedside table and starred at the contact for Lilith.

If he'd told his old family he was cat noir, they'd roast him alive... but something told him that telling his new family he was cat noir...

It'd all be ok.

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