Chapter 16 | homely

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After having the best breakfast he'd ever had, Adrien was straight to work with his new caretaker Delilah. Lilith out at work for the morning, he was woken up by knocking on the apartment door and Delilah bringing him fresh muffins for breakfast.

He'd never had muffins taster than them. He ate half the batch they were so good.

The events of last night were still kind of sinking in. The fact the police found him but didn't recognise him, and he was given a place to stay was the most amazing luck he'd ever had. And today he and Delilah, the sweet soul that took him in were going to clean up the apartment, wash all his clothes and unpack everything and make this apartment more like his own place. Lilith was at the police station, continuing some work on his case making sure that no one could identify him as Adrien and he could get his hands on some new ID with his alias on it. She and Delilah had figured out he was Adrien, but had no plans of turning him in.

Not after what he went through.

Today was the day his life took a turn for the better. Able to get some days off work to properly move in and get some rest, he was existed for what good things were coming his way.

He felt happy, for the first time in... well... as long as he could remember. He felt genuinely happy.

His clothes and towels hung up on the airer drying as he hand washed his comfort blanket, tear just recently fixed by Delilah. She was giving the apartment a good sweep down before tackling the broken ceiling fans.

"So what kind of decor are you thinking? What do kids your age like these days?" Delilah asked.

"Uhhh. Not sure really... maybe when I get paid next I can find some posters or something to hang up. Maybe get a pinboard or a lava lamp... maybe a some bean bags..." he pondered.

Pulling the now washes blanket out of the wash trough he squeezed the extra water out of it and tossed it over the airer to dry, in front of the open window so the last of the warm weather could help everything dry faster.

"Alright... washing is done. Unpacked everything... what next?" He said.

"How about you wipe down the windows, get rid of the spider webs? It's been a while since someone stayed in this apartment, and fixing it up has taken a bit longer than we thought so there's some dust lying around" Delilah said.

"I'll wipe down all the surfaces! Make everything spotless"

She'd never see a teenager so eager to clean before. Maybe it was the excitement of this apartment being his, but Adrien was raring to go and get everything exactly how he liked it. Grabbing the spray and some kitchen paper, he was straight to work making everything in the room shiny and new. As she swept in the laundry, Delilah couldn't help but notice all his clothes hanging up to dry and the severe lack of winter clothes. He had a hoodies and a snow coat, some long pants and jeans but the summer clothes definitely outweighed the winter ones. Since he ran away when the weather was warm, he probably didn't think to pack much winter gear.

"You have a rather unique style there" she commented.

"Once I left I realised I could finally wear whatever I liked. So I started getting clothes I actually wanted, and turning my old clothes into something I liked" Adrien replied.

"You even have a dress"

"Oh- yeah it was really nice when it was super hot in summer"

From the looks of things, he seemed to prioritise comfort and had a soft spot for things with fun prints or embellishments on them. Like the jeans he decorated, or the shirt with cats sleeping on clouds on the front. His true style wasn't whatever his fathers brand made him wear, designer labels and stuff. It was fun, simple and comfortable.

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