Chapter 39 | the return of cat noir

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He knew that after being missing for months, the media would be asking questions about where cat noir went. So he fully expected to be hunted down by the news as soon as Paris noticed his presence again.

Recently he'd been well enough to go on patrols again, and do some light fighting. And of course, the fans across the city noticed right away their favourite kitty was back. He should probably answer some questions, Paris was worried about him after all. So this patrol he'd let the news cameras find him.

"I can assure all of Paris that I'm back and I'm going to keep protecting the city. You don't have to worry about a thing" he told the news reporter.

Ladybug and Viperion stood in the background, waiting for this little detour of patrol to be over.

"What happened? Your batons can turn into crutches now?" The reporter asked.

"Long story short, a Heath problem had a sudden flare up and I couldn't fight for a while. But I'm doing much better now, after all cats always land on their feet. I can fight again, and if anything does happen my batons can extend into crutches to keep me on my feet. And hawkmoth don't go thinking you can use this to your advantage. I have more than a few tricks up my sleeve"

"What exactly happened if you can say, and your hair is new, what's that all about?"

"I just thought I needed a change, I've had the same hair for way too long. Plus when you're in recovery you can't really go out much for haircuts. The black tips match my suit now so I think it's a rather purr-fect look. As for my health, I can't say what happened in detail for identity reasons, but I'll say that it affected me walking and staying on my feet for long periods of time. But as long as I stay on top of the problem I can still fight and I'm a-ok now"

The fans of the miraculous team had already been speculating what happened to cat noir when he first popped back up on patrols and spotted the baton-crutches. Some of the theories he'd read online were very far fetched, but for the most part people were worried about his health and it was an oddly nice feeling to know at least Paris' civilians cared for their heroes.

"Can the batons turn into anything else?" The reporter asked.

"Not that I'm aware of, for now just the crutches and their usual baton form. But hey, I crutches make a good weapon too, I can whack some akumas with them and if I aim right I can throw them at things and deliver a petty nasty hit. Believe me, I'll be alright and I know how to fight with my new weapon abilities. Anyone can be a hero with the right mindset and practice, even if you're a bit hurt sometimes" He replied.

He hoped that younger kids with similar issues to him could look up to him as a role model. As an undiagnosed kid with chronic pains, he always found happiness in characters and celebrities that had similar issues. Maybe if all those kids like him saw him able to be a hero even with crutches, he could inspire them in some way.

"I'd love to keep talking but I'm afraid my two partners over there are left waiting if I drag this on. Plus we have a city to protect, but again I assure Paris I'm ok and I can still protect you all. I'm back and feeling much better" he said.

"Of course. But, one more question Mr. Noir"

He wasn't sure what was left to ask, he'd answered pretty much everything he could.


"You and Viperion have been rather close since he's become a more active member of the team. Do you have anything to say about that?" The reporter asked.

Had the media caught on? Or were they just wondering if he was some kind of replacement while Cat was away?

"Oh we're close. No bad blood between us, you could even say we're... two cats in a box. Well, more like a cat and a snake in a box. He's just as part of the team as anyone else, it'd be pretty useless if team member's didn't get along right? Me and Viperion are as close as ever. I really should get back to work, remember Paris I'm doing all I can to keep you safe!"

And with that little cliffhanger he jumped back up onto the rooftops to catch up with the other two. Leaving the news reporters with the answers to where he'd been and a little teaser about him and Viperion.

"You better not have spilled any secrets there kitty" Ladybug teased.

"Please, you think I'm going to spill secrets when we have so much at steak right now? I only told them about my recovery and that's it. Nothing else" he replied.

"What was that I heard about me?" Viperion asked.

"They simply asked if we got along and I said yes. If they make the connection then hey, it's their words not mine"

That was true, people would ship the heroes regardless of what the hero's really felt. That's just how the media and fandoms work, if they made the connection there was something better Cat and Viperion, even when Cat and Viperion haven't confirmed it the media will still know. They said it, not the boys.

"As cute as you two are we need to keep it hush hush, at least until hawkmoth is dealt with. That way he can't use one of you to get to the other. Although I do think it'd be good representation for two male hero's to be out together. You know, provide more power for the LGBTs and such, teach kids to be supportive and whatnot" Ladybug explained.

"Don't worry, we're being careful. We don't need hawkmoth using us against each other either... but you are right once he's dealt with it would be good representation. If you're ok with being out that is" Viperion added.

Oh boy did Adrien want to be out to bad. After all he's been through getting shut down by his dad, he wanted nothing more than to openly he himself. While he could do that around his friends and Lilith and Delilah, he'd also like that freedom as cat noir too.

"Oh we're coming out as soon as that bastard is dealt with. I don't want to hide anymore, I hate hiding after... well everything..." Cat replied.

They couldn't do much as a couple out in the open as their hero selves. There were civilians everywhere watching, security cameras on buildings and such. As long as hawkmoth was a threat they had to keep it on the down low. So as much as Luka wanted to kiss his boyfriend for his bravery in the face of his situation, he couldn't right now. Instead he put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a smile.

"Hey, you've really grown over these months. I'm proud of you" Viperion said.

"Thanks. I finally feel like I've escaped some kind of box. I still need to process some stuff but other than that, I feel a lot better. More like myself, more free" Cat replied.

"I recall telling you that you didn't deserve to be a puppet on the day you left. Guess you really took that to heart"

"I cut those strings so damn quickly after you told me that. I'm not a puppet anymore, I'm more like a haunted doll that can move on its own"

Ladybug cut in with a slight snicker at his analogy.

"Sorry, great sentiment and all but... a haunted doll?" She asked.

The boys laughed at the strange analogy too. Ladybug was right to snicker it was a bit strange. Cat replied only with the truth.

"It's all I could think of"

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