Chapter 42 | all coming together

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Everything was slowly falling into place.

On the 8 month anniversary of Adrien Agreste being missing a lot had changed. Of course there was the whole saga that played out as Adrien was living under the Chaton name, but as Cat Noir things were going well too.

He finally knew who ladybug was, and it was the best girl for the job. Cat noir was back in the fight and Paris was glad to see him again. They knew who hawkmoth was. They now had Nathalie as a whistleblower to his plans.

All that was left now was for Nathalie to relay what she knew, and hawkmoth to attack so they could ambush him and stop him for good. Ladybug had relayed the message of hawkmoths identity to all the heroes, and since most of them knew Adrien personally it only made them hate Gabriel more than they already did. When this fight went down, everyone, especially Cat Noir would be very worked up. It was a fight of passion driven by hatred for hawkmoth/Gabriel and justice for Paris.

Until then, they just had to wait. Wait until this long time battle with hawkmoth reached its peak.

And what was happening while the heroes waited? Well now it'd been 8 months if Adrien missing, with zero results. Not only were his friends getting furious, so where his fans. All of Paris was against Gabriel and pressuring the police to do something about it. Everyone knew that Gabriel had abused his son, and they wanted justice for him. Even if it didn't bring Adrien back everyone was wanting to see punishment.

Especially Luka.

He wasn't going to stand by and watch his boyfriends abuser walk free. And maybe... if he was arrested for this he'd have to hand over his miraculous and thus loose his power. Maybe they could avoid a battle all together. So when Adrien told Luka about what the conversation he and Nathalie had in the hospital, Luka had an idea.

"Excuse me, is a miss Sancoeur here?"

The receptionist took a moment to look in the hospitals computer records.

"Nathalie Sancoeur? Yes she's in 58 of the long term recovery wing. If you want to visit her you'll have to sign in" the receptionist said.

Shit, he didn't think of that part. He didn't need Gabriel knowing he was here... well he could just use a fake name. What reason would Gabriel have to suspect him when the police even said Luka had nothing to do with Adriens disappearance?

Signing a fake name on the sign in sheet, he thanked the receptionist and headed down the halls of the hospital. He was careful when he rounded each corner in case Gabriel or other Agreste members were there. Luckily it seems he'd come at the right time as he'd made it down the hall without spotting anyone. Adrien also warned him of the security cameras in the halls which prompted Luka to keep his hood up to hide his very noticeable blue dyed hair.

Through the small window on the door he could see it was just Nathalie inside, and he'd gotten lucky and come at the right time. He knocked, and when he heard Nathalie answer come in he did just that. Nathalie didn't think much of the door opening as she read her book thinking it was just doctors again.

"Blood test again?" She asked.

"Try again" Luka replied.

She vaguely remembered that voice. Turning to see who it was, she was surprised to see it was Luka of all people.

"Luka?" She questioned.

"I know this is probably a bit weird but it's about Adrien"

Ok now she was confused. It was strange enough one of Adriens friends would want to see her after all that happened, but he wanted to talk about Adrien too? What was this?

Vanished (Lukadrien) • Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now