Chapter 51 | the sentancing

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Adrien had just sat through the most infuriating thing ever. Gabriel's testimony.

He really tried to pull the 'I'm grieving my wife' card. According to him, when he committed the crimes he was not of sound mind due to the overwhelming grief of loosing his wife. But the whole damn court knew that was bullshut. When he heard it, Adrien wanted to get up and scream 'bullshit!' At his father, but he didn't as to not disturb the trial. It was clear that he was trying to get off with a lesser sentence by essentially doing the abuse version of pleading insanity. He maintained that he was innocent, just a bit dazed when the crime happened.

Adrien was furious when he heard that pathetic excuse from the man he disowned as his father. It took everything in him to not lash out in anger, but finally this trail was wrapping up. It was very late, he worried the jury would take too long to deliberate and the trail would have to continue into the next day, but luckily a conclusion was reached.

He was tired, he was emotionally exhausted and he was ready to go to bed. All Adrien was he'd was this nightmare to end.

"We've come to a conclusion" the judge spoke.

He held his breath, hoping and preying for the right outcome.

"The court of law has determined that Gabriel Agreste is guilty of child abuse, endangerment and neglect. With a sentencing of 25 years in prison with no possibility of parole. Lilith and Delilah Luxor will be granted full custody of Adrien Agreste"

If the court allowed it, the viewers would have clapped and cheered. Instead a massive wave of relief was washed over the court, and Adrian sunk in his chair putting his head on the desk in a happy exhaustion. Gabriel didn't say anything, just held a sour look on his face.

It was done, it was over. He'd finally be caught, sentenced and Adrien was finally safe. The only problem to deal with now was the miraculous. But right now Adrien wasn't even thinking about that, he was just so relieved he could finally life his life to the fullest now. After a few more minutes of wrapping up the trail, Adrien watched in joy as his father was taken away in handcuffs, off to spend his time in prison.

While he would quite like if Gabriel got a life sentence, he knew that was rare in these cases. For the case, 25 years and no parole was pretty hefty. Plus by the time 25 years is up, Gabriel will be old, Adrien will be an adult with a family and life. What could Gabriel do? Throw his walking stick at him?

Finally being able to leave the courthouse, the media all having been ushered away by security, people started to head home. Since the courthouse was all the way in the city, there's been arrangements made for Adrien, Lilith and Delilah to stay with Lukas family for the night since heading back to the apartment this late would make it almost 3am by the time they got back.

Not that Adrien was complaining though.

As soon as he stepped out of the courthouse, he was jumped on by Luka who held him in a tight hug.

"I told you we'd do it! You won't ever have to worry about him again" Luka assured.

Returning and hug with a smile, Adrien felt safe in his boyfriends arms.

"That was so draining. I don't even know how to express how relived and happy I am" he replied.

"You earned a break after all you've been through, it's all over now. It's done. Don't even think about the miraculous situation right now either leave that to me and Mari, you need a break"

A break was definitely what he needed, he was drained and while he was happy of the outcome and exited for the future he could carve his own path in now, he definitely needed some time to let the wounds finish healing up.

"Thank you for being there through all this. The fact you never gave up means a lot to me, it makes me feel really cared for" Adrien thanked.

"Don't worry about it, it's the least I could do for my boyfriend"

"But seriously... you never stopped looking, you kept all these secrets, you pushed for the case, you got people to testify, you made that song to bring awareness to the case, you did interviews... you did so much, the case practically happened all because of you. Everyone will be looking at me because I was a model and I'm the victim. But they should also be looking at you for being the massive help that you were. I love you Luka, you've done so much"

In truth, Luka was exhausted too. He'd fought hard for his boyfriends case and finally it had the closing it deserved. He didn't feel like he needed any compensation for his work, but he was flattered to hear Adrien give him so much praise. Like all his hard work had paid off.

"I love you too Adrien, even when you were missing I still loved you. Now I have you back again I won't ever let you go" Luka smiled.

With a gentle kiss of thanks and victory outside the courthouse, everything felt perfect. Finally, the abuse was over.

"Man I didn't think it'd end this late... it's freezing out here" Adrien giggled.

"I didn't think it'd end this late either, here have my jacket" Luka offered, slipping his jacket off and wrapping it around Adriens shoulders.

"Won't you be cold?"

"I have long sleeves. Plus, as long as my sunshine boy is around to keep me warm I'll be alright"

Adrien blushed at the nickname he'd been getting used to. Sunshine boy was definitely growing on him.

Hearing a car horn honk, they turned to see their parents had gotten the car from the car park and had come up to the front of the courthouse to pick them up. It was time to go home for the night and get that sleep they needed so bad.

"You think our mums will let us sleep in the same bed?" Adrien asked.

"Your mums are chill, mines chill too. We can huddle for warmth surely" Luka replied.

"Good because I'm freezing"

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