Chapter Five - a promise

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I gasped abruptly, opening my eyes as I felt the cold chill from the floor run throughout my body. I lifted my head off the ground as I saw Hyde leaning over me concerned, his eyes searching mine for something, something he knew was now missing.

I looked up at him returning his gaze and I immediately knew it had worked.

I didn't feel anything, I had succeeded. My mind had been doing nothing but constantly plaguing me, torturing me, and my once heavy mind and heart now felt nothingness, as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders, crumpled up and thrown away.

I rolled my eyes as I pushed my body up and shook myself off, dusting my dress down and smoothing out my hair, my mind finally leaving me alone as I felt a foreign emptiness.

I said nothing as I walked to the book and closed it gently, picking it up as I pushed past Hyde and towards the place in the library to put it back up on the shelf.

Irene and Hyde said nothing as they watched me wearily, but I didn't care about either of their opinions. It didn't bother me anymore, I now only focused on what I wanted, and that was revenge.

As I walked back Hyde raised his eyebrows at me folding his arms.

"Lillian, are you okay?" he said hesitantly as I turned to face him,

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm finally free, for the first time in fucking months i'm not walking around in never ending pain and rage. It's actually quite refreshing" I said as his face fell and I flicked my hair over my shoulder,

"I feel nothing, no pain, no guilt, no gut wrenching sadness. There is absolutely nothing controlling me and I am loving it, finally I am experiencing true freedom" I said bluntly as he cringed at my harsh tone,

Irene stepped forwards as I turned my gaze to meet hers, "You have no idea what you have begun Lillian, whilst it may feel freeing now, this will come back to bite you, and I do hope you are prepared for that" she said as I watched her, 

"You said that a meeting is soon, with the court and the Kings of the lands. Find out when. We are going to go to Ezerene tonight. It's time to say hello" I said to Irene, ignoring her warning, as she reluctantly bowed her head and I turned to Hyde,

"Pack lightly, and figure out the date soon, from what I recall it should be any day now. I have some last-minute things to prepare and then we will leave. I wouldn't want to show up without making a scene, it has been six months after all" I said as I smiled imagining their faces when I walked back into their lives,

"Now do I go for a red or black dress, which one will shock them most before I break them and take everything away from them" I said laughing lightly turning around as I flicked my hand the doors opening allowing me to pass through, slamming them shut behind me,

Hyde POV

I felt an emptiness inside.

She was truly gone, I watched one woman fall to the ground and another one rise.

She had transformed into somebody cruel, it was clear to see that she didn't care, and she certainly didn't feel anything, she had finally succeeded in numbing her pain. A pain in which I wished she had stuck with me to fight through.

I don't know who she was anymore and I'm not sure I could go through with this. Removing her emotions was anything but good and it was only a matter of time before she got meaner and crueller, now that she didn't have a single care for any of her acts.

My Lillian was gone, and she was going to create chaos, just as it was predicted. Irene watched me as I folded my arms, "What now?" I said as she shrugged wiping her hands down her dress, "It's not up to us Hyde, it never has been, we swore to aid the Queen, we never specified what condition we would follow her in. It would be best to stick close for now, spells on the individual never work out" she said as I narrowed my eyes at her,

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