Chapter Twenty-Six - Aftermath

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I kept stumbling forwards, clutching my chest tightly as I held my hand up lighting the way out. My body cried out in pain as my feet moved of their own accord, refusing to give up on me,

I could hear the room still crumbling behind me as I pushed on grunting, fuck me I was unprepared. I had become so lazy with using my magic in every situation that I had forgotten all that I had survived with before.

I had been completely unprepared for that fight, getting through by only the skin of my teeth, if I was to truly take on Brand I was going to have to whip myself back into shape, and quickly.

As I reached the stone that had trapped me in I held up my hand, red veins running along it again as I was spat out onto the floor outside and a massive crack echoed throughout the area.

I felt arms wrap around me as I was pulled back and the rock fell through the ground, creating a massive sinkhole, inches away from my feet.

"Oh great Hecate, Lillian, what the fuck happened to you? I couldn't get in and I was worried sick. Are you okay?" she said running her hands over me as I coughed, relaxing in her arms, my breathing laboured,

"I almost got my ass handed to me, that's what fucking happened. My mother, she's been behind it all, we need to research other plains, places you go after death. Also why I am of such a big importance to her." I coughed as I wiped my mouth, my hands stained with blood as I surveyed myself.

I looked up at Cyrene as she looked at me with wide eyes and I took a deep shaky breath, "She planned it all, all of it. And I don't even want to know what this is going to be used for" I said as I held up the pendant.

Cyrene gasped as she took it out my hands and looked at it, "It seems to give off a sort of energy, not one that I recognise, but perhaps it leads someone to the dragons? That's all I could assume for now, I would need more time to study it." she said as I shrugged and slowly got onto my feet, Cyrene wrapping a supportive arm around me as I wobbled.

"Honestly right now, I want to go back, I need to rest and heal, I think I broke half the bones in my body." I grunted as she smiled as she gripped me tight, "Let's get you back to a healer" she said as she began to chant and before I knew it we were whisked away back to our camp,

As we landed I felt my stomach turn and I fell on all fours again throwing up, "Oh gods, I don't feel too good" I moaned as Cyrene turned to see me on the floor, clutching my stomach and throwing up again and again.

"Oh gods, not now please. I thought the potion would last longer than this" she said as she looked around frantically. I began to clutch my body as a pain ran through me, igniting every nerve ending and circulating in my stomach.

It felt as if my body was set on fire as I felt an indescribable need in my body, as if something was incredibly wrong. Every nerve ending felt as if it was being split in two as I faded in and out of darkness, my screams echoing within my own skull.

I felt my back arch as I writhed and let out an never-ending scream, cracks appearing around us on the floor. My hands lit up in red magic as I screamed in pain and Cyrene was pushed back as I released the power, flooding the area, the cracks deepening around me as I wailed.

"Lillian try to control yourself" Cyrene yelled as I groaned in pain, blood running down over my lips again as I contorted in pain. Cyrene ran over as she held a hand over my head and before I knew it everything faded to black.

As I opened my eyes I saw I was back in the castle and Damien was fast asleep in a chair next to me, my hand wrapped tightly in his.

I was covered in bandages and there was a strong scent of healing herbs in the air, and whilst I wanted to move it felt as if every cell in my body had been ripped off and glued back together. "Damien" I croaked out his eyes shooting open as he turned to face me his hands instantly reaching out for my body,

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