Chapter Thirteen - setting off

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I calmly rushed down to the weapons vault as I chucked my weapons in a bag and threw my bow over my back. I quickly placed my twin daggers into their sheaths on my back as I picked up the bag, ready to place onto Starlight.

I took a deep breath as I calmly walked out into the courtyard, turning my neck as I cleared my mind. however as I did I felt a force suddenly push me back and a hand grip around my throat as I was slammed against the wall,

"What the fuck have you done with him. Where the fuck is Dagger" Brand yelled his eyes completely black as power rushed through the air cracking the wall I was pushed up against. I clutched at my throat as he began to crush my windpipe and I kicked against him.

I glared as my eyes flashed red and I pushed him off of me and onto his arse with a flash of red power. I fell to the ground gasping as cool air rushed back into my lungs and I pushed myself up on to my knees,

"Touch me again and it will be the last thing you ever fucking do." I growled pointing at him as I pushed myself onto my feet,

"I don't even know what you're on about, you maniac. I've just come down from my room, ask Damien, he saw me last, barely ten minutes ago" I hissed as power flowed between my fingers,

As Brand got up everyone else rushed into the courtyard, "What the fuck is going on?'" Matthias asked as Brand dusted himself off and pointed a finger at me,

"Dagger escaped and I know you fucking did it" he said as I let out a low laugh,

"You're psychotic, if I had really found what pit you were hiding him in, he would be dead. You would have found a body, I'm not that subtle" I growled as I mimicked snapping his neck, Evelyn rubbing hers at my comment,

"Now let me do what you wanted me to do before you try to kill me again" I spat rubbing my throat as I turned around,

"Mark my words Lillian if I find out it was you I will kill you, or you can have his old cell" he said as I turned around my eyes burning as rage filled me,

"You will kill me? How Brand, I just threw you off me like a child, you can't threaten me anymore, I don't have anything left and I'm more powerful than you will ever be. Or did you forget that I'm your mate? That was what you said so long ago, that I complete you? I am your other half, I'm the only important thing to you?" I said lowly as a chill ran through the air,

I tilted my head as I licked my lips, "We could test it out, if you want. We can go for a round right now see if you have what it takes to put me down" I smirked twirling my power in my hands,

"I shattered a ten-thousand-year-old mountain the other day and I've just been dying to test it out on someone" I said as Brand glared at me, "or are you too scared?" I mocked as his jaw tightened,

"Are you scared I'm going to overthrow you, is that what you're worried about? Because if I wanted to, you know I could have anything I wanted. Or is it the fact that you know I will never be with you again? That you know it is over, and there is no getting me back, no matter what shitty mating rules you bring up?" I said as I let the power die down and disappear,

"You're not worth the energy, I have more important things to do" I said as I walked away towards the horses

I growled as I secured the bags to Starlight and hopped on, "So Dragons? That's certainly interesting" I heard a voice say as I turned around power in my hand,

"Hey stand down glow stick" Damien said as he raised his hands in a mock surrender, "I don't know what you're talking about, and don't call me glow stick" I said as I waited for him to climb onto his horse,

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