Chapter Thirty-three - Aenessa

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I let out a gasp as I felt myself being dropped into a black pit of nothingness, my body slamming hard onto the ground as I tried to soften the fall.

I don't know what happened to me or where I was, one minute it felt like I was being ripped apart, yet again, and then the next I was not there, I was somewhere else, in this dark room where the cold made me shiver uncontrollably.

"Lillian Silverback, what a pleasure to finally meet you, my dear sweet girl" a light voice called out as I turned around,

I gasped recoiling backwards as I came face to face with a dragon, and I stumbled backwards.

I let out a gasp as I felt my heel come off the edge of the platform, my body dangling dangerously over the dark pit below. I balanced myself as I looked around, the magnificent beasts stirring around me.

"Do not be afraid child, we do not wish to harm you" the voice called out as others began to surround me, their eyes watching me carefully as I breathed deeply. "Who are you, what do you want from me?" I said my voice trembling slightly, the magnificent beasts rising around me as I gulped at the sight of them,

A blonde-haired woman stepped out from the shadows in a gold-plated armour as she smiled warmly at me, "My name is Aenessa and that right there is my partner Zythas" she said motioning to the large dragon in the middle, who was watching me carefully, it's teeth slightly bared. "And I was the first dragon rider. We are here to help you complete your destiny by sharing our past." She said beckoning me forwards,

"You see the dragons were respected long ago, high ranking among all the species. The dragons were careful and did not interfere with the lives of the world, preferring to stay high up in the clouds, before us riders were placed here."

"They rewarded those who showed promise and those who showed respect, until the original vampires turned up. You see the gods were not happy with their creation and wanted a solution to the problem."

"Riders were created to guide the dragons with their duty, the duty to protect the world from their lust for power, to stop them from using their power to do harm than good. But there wasn't enough room for two alpha species in their minds, they knew they could never truly rule with us around and before we knew it, we were all but gone, slaughtered within their desperate thirst for power."

"The plan had always been to eradicate us, to ensure they could remain on the throne forever, but we had too much power, and those who partnered with us, had the ability to put them down. As you may already know, only pure dragon fire can kill an original. However, what we didn't account for was a war within their own family".

"They all wanted a piece of the throne, and one of the original vampire's lusted for full control of the land, the power all to his own. So they began a war, a war for the throne. Due to the magnitude of the slaughter and the cost to innocent life, we were forced to intervene. The only downside to our creation, was that it weakened our dragons, they now relied on their riders."

"The originals figured this out, unfortunately for us. So all our chosen were slayed as quickly as they could. Dragons without a match, they are defenceless, it being our only weakness, and I feared this was the end for us." She continued stroking her dragons head lightly as it's eyes closed at her touch, almost like a small kitten.

"I am truly sorry for you, I really am, but what has this got to do with me? Aren't you all dead, you have been for centuries?" I asked as the she sighed, and the dragon turned its head to look at me, its teeth baring at me and I stepped back,

"Calm Zythas, she is only a child. It is okay," she whispered softly as she stroked his nose and he turned away from me, lying down with a huff,

"As we came to the final battle, I knew there was no way out, but then a miracle happened. An cluster of unhatched eggs was found, our last successors, Diaval and Madrias, and I knew I had to do something. So I preserved the eggs with the last of our power, under the hot earth and far underground. There they have been since, waiting for their partners to come and waiting for the day we can correct all the wrongs, and my dear Lillian, there have been many wrongs."

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