Chapter Forty - Sparring

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I woke up alone as I felt an uncomfortable emptiness inside me and I sighed deeply. I rolled onto my front as I inhaled Damien's scent still left on the sheets and I let out a groan.

I knew we were heading back soon, today, or tomorrow, and I wasn't ready to face the fact I would be sleeping alone. I wouldn't be able to look at him, to touch him, or see the smile that only I could bring out.

There was a whole new side to Damien that I had not seen before, but being with him was so right. It was as if I always knew he was like this, he had never truly scared me, not even the first time we met. I may have been frightened by what he claimed to be, but he himself had never scared me.

I sat up as I felt the wash of sadness flow throughout me and I ran my hands through my hair, what could Damien be doing up so early?

I climbed out of bed as I pulled an outfit out and walked downstairs, following the pull of the mating bond.

I found myself outside as I came face to face with Damien and Hyde sparring.

I leant against the wall as I watched them, and I felt my mind begin to wander. Damien was shirtless, with his trousers tight under his waistline, the definition of his muscles showing clearly under the morning sun.

The small trail of hair that ran down into his pants caused my mouth to water as I quickly cleared my throat and walked forwards, Damien's head instantly snapping to me as I let out my breath,

He smirked as he walked up to me and picked me up, placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Bit early to be thinking those thoughts glowstick, don't you think?" he whispered deeply into my ear as I shivered and growled at him, narrowing my eyes.

I heard Hyde fake gag behind us as Damien turned his gaze around and pushed out his hand, his magic throwing Hyde straight onto his arse.

I chuckled lightly as he gently set me down and Hyde dusted himself off grumbling, "Good morning to you too" he muttered as I smiled and he bowed his head at me,

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked Damien as he shrugged and grabbed a shirt, smiling at me when he saw the grumble I uttered whilst he buttoned himself up.

"Decided to take your words to heart, you are right. I was someone to be feared and I need to get back to that person. Me and Hyde have been testing out my powers and strengths, try and work out what might come in handy" he said as he raised an eyebrow as my outfit,

"I see you've ditched the assassin's outfit for once, you look good, I'd love to see that outfit on the floor" he said as he pulled me close and kissed me deeply again. I sighed as I leant in, tingles running through my body as I felt my thighs instantly grow slick with need. I heard Hyde grumble again as he walked away muttering and I pulled Damien's face in smiling widely,

"Come on then, show me what you've got" I said as he raised an eyebrow, "Lillian, I don't want to ruin your dress" he said as I rolled my eyes and raised my hand, my magic shooting out as he quickly wrapped his wings around him, blocking my attack.

He chuckled deeply as he uncurled them shaking his head at me, "Your funeral Lillian, you're going to pay for that one" he said laughing as I smirked holding my hands up, running power over my arms,

"You'll have to catch me first" I joked as he ran forwards, and within a blink of an eye he was in front of me,

As he reached his hands out to grab me I smiled and flicked my fingers, teleporting the other side of the training ground. "Not so easy baby" I winked as he smirked and held his hands out the shadows appearing around his feet,

He instantly disappeared the shadows exiting with him, and I looked around as I closed my eyes concentrating,

I felt a tingle behind me as I quickly turned holding up a force field as he bounced off it, rolling onto his knees,

He ran again as I braced myself but as he reached me I felt the ground under my feet lift and I was tossed across the field, I held my hands out as braced my fall and rolled on the ground,

I smirked as I rolled facing away from him and cried out in fake pain, Damien immediately rushing over to me as I quickly wrapped my legs around his neck and swung around, flinging him onto the floor,

I flicked my hand out creating a sword as I pointed it at his neck breathing heavily, a grin stretched across my face,

"Too easy Damien can't fall for tricks like that" I said breathing deeply as he ran his hand down the side of my face softly and I instantly arched into his touch. I felt his hand quickly wrap around my neck and pin me onto the ground, his strong body pinning me to the floor,

"And you need to not fall for tricks like that" he whispered in my ear kissing my neck softly as I growled and clicked my fingers disappearing from under his grasp,

I stood behind me as he shook his head smirking, "Oh you are so in trouble glowstick" he said as he held his hand out and I was plunged into darkness,

"Oh that is so not fair Damien" I said as I tried to sort through the black, but it was no use, he had taken my sight and hearing from me. I felt a sharp smack on my arse as I gasped and fell onto my knees, the sting rushing straight to between my legs as I growled standing on my feet,

I felt a tingle behind me as I grabbed his wrist before it hit me again and the deprivation dropped. I turned as I flipped over his wrist and rolled him onto the floor again, pinning him down with my leg against his throat,

He laughed underneath me as he raised an eyebrow, "Now this is the view I want to see every morning" he whispered huskily as he ran a finger up my inner thigh and I moaned aloud, him immediately taking advantage of my weakness and rolling me over grabbing my hands as he pinned me down again,

He breathed heavily above me as he held his face inches from mine, his lips so tantalisingly close that I almost lost my breath.

"Good gods, you two get a room" a voice called out as we both looked to see Evelyn standing at the top of the stairs, "Come there is a meeting" she said as I looked back as Damien who smirked down at me before placing a soft kiss on my lips and pulling me to my feet.

"Dirty tricks" I said sticking my tongue out at this as he narrowed his eyes and ran for me, ready to throw me over his shoulder, but before he could I teleported into the main hall laughing.

Everyone around the table looked at me in surprise as I shrugged and grabbed a glass, Damien entering the room seconds later, a wicked glint in his eye. I was going to pay for that trick later and my body trembled with excitement.

Cyrene stood up as Damien took a seat and she sighed, "I'm sorry to say this, but todays the day. You need to go back"


thank you so much for reading, please do share all your theories and opinions on the book so far!

I love hearing your guys thoughts and it really means so much to me that you are enjoying it

Lots of love


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