Chapter Nine - Reunion

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I kept my back to them as I watched the vampires make their swift exits, the door slamming shut as the last few escaped, leaving just us in the grand hall, Brand's rage still filling the air.

I smirked at Hyde and Irene as he shook his head at me, as if he knew what I was planning to do. Irene however had still not moved, her fists clenched tightly.

I turned around to look at them as Brand moved quickly to stand in front of me, his hands reaching for me. His eyes searched mine as a wicked thought entered my mind and I let my gaze fall, beginning to pretend, to make things a little more interesting.

I walked forwards towards him, my heels clicking on the stone floor as no one dared to say anything.

I moved even closer to Brand as I lifted my gaze and I made direct eye contact, making my face fall for a second as I let in a small gasp. Brand's face fell instantly as he saw my reaction and I saw his eyes desperately search my face, trying to understand what I was trying to say with my look.

He took a few steps forward as I continued, closer and closer.

I didn't leave his eyesight as I reached my hand up and stroked his cheek softly, hiding my laughter. I felt nothing as my fingers touched his cheek, but he didn't have to know that.

"Brand" I whispered lowly as he closed his eyes and leant into my touch, the sheer sight of it making me want to laugh out loud.

He opened his eyes as he gripped my waist and pulled me close to him, "Lillian, is it you? I'm so sorry please, please forgive me, come home. I've missed you so much" he whispered as I felt his arms shake ever so slightly,

It was almost enough to make me gag.

I saw Evelyn take a step forward, a hesitant look on her face as I ignored her and stroked Brand's face again, "Oh Brand" I whispered as I leant in to kiss him, him immediately leaning in and pulling me closer.

Just as our lips were about to touch I flexed my fingers sending him flying onto his arse, his back hitting the stairs as they cracked underneath him,

I raised an eyebrow at him as I started to laugh clutching my stomach,

"Oh gods that was so funny, you should have seen your face. Oh gods above, I cannot even right now" I said as I bent over laughing,

"Fucking hell doesn't take much for you to want me to climb back into bed with you, to be your little pet again. Such a fucking moron, even I didn't think you were that gullible." I said as I flicked my hair over my shoulder, watching him slowly stand up groaning loudly as he dusted himself off.

"Oh come on now, that was funny. You really believed I would come straight back for you? Get over yourself" I said tilting my head, my eyes glowing ever so slightly.

"You're pathetic" I said in a dull voice as I turned to face Hyde,

He was standing there completely still, his fists clenched slightly and his chest rising and falling quickly as I felt his anger growing.

I placed a hand gently on his arm as he turned to look at me, his jaw clenched tightly "it's okay Hyde, I promise. Calm yourself." I warned as he took a deep breath and glared at everyone,

"How can they even look at me, at us, how dare you stand here, ASSUMING EVERYTHING WOULD BE FINE" he yelled as I saw Evelyn flinch harshly at his words.

I lifted my gaze slowly to look at her as I saw a tear roll down her cheek. I rolled my eyes again as I caught her gaze,

"Seriously? Tears? This is painful, you used to be the strong one. How very disappointing." I sighed as I brushed down my dress,

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