Chapter Forty-Eight - axe

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I pushed the doors open as the room quickly fell into silence, the only sound being my heels on the floor, the harsh echo ringing throughout the main hall.

Everyone bowed their heads as I walked in, all except Brand and Damien, and I let out an inwards sigh.

I lifted my head up high as I continued towards my seat and sat down, noticing a chair had been brought up alongside it, my nails dug slightly into the stone as I clenched my jaw at the obvious movement of my castle.

Fucking bastard.

"I see you've already done some decorating" I said curtly as Brand looked at me, his gaze not flinching.

"Seeing as this is our land now, I thought it was proper to do so" he replied as I narrowed my eyes, how dare he.

"Very well, let's prepare" I called out as the others stood in front of me,

"Tonight is about the people, I am here to listen to any of their grievances and to help if they need. It will not be some fancy party, just a chance for my people to talk to me and begin to rebuild our relationships" I said as Irene nodded and stepped forwards.

"All is prepared my Queen, the food and the entertainment is sorted, and as for your other requests they have all been organised" she said as I smiled at her, nodding my head.

"Other requests?" Brand questioned dangerously as I sighed turning to him, "Things that are none of your concern Brand, there are something I need to do as Queen that do not need to be questioned by you, as I said before you hold no power up here. This is my land." I said as he grit his teeth before turning away,

"The people should arrive any minute, I want us to be on the watch. There have been a few unwelcome guests recently and I do not need any of my people getting hurt" I said as I turned to look at Hyde,

"I assume you have it under control? " I said as he nodded, "Of course my Queen" he said as I smiled at him,

"Then open the gates, let the fun begin" I said as I stood up and walked out the room, Irene by my side.

"The guards" I whispered as she turned to look at me, "All prepared your highness, not detectable and they will blend in" she said as I nodded walking out into the balcony,

I saw the swarms of people waiting at the gate as I smiled,

"I'm so glad to be home" I said as she turned to face me,

"What threats do you fear my Queen" she said quietly as I wrong my hands and looked down,

"I have been feeling something strange, almost as if there's someone clawing at the barriers to enter but they cannot quite break through" I said as I held my hand over my magic running over my fingers,

"It could be nothing, but it could also be another of my mother's tricks" I said quietly, "she will not stop trying to get my power, and this would be the perfect time to try again." I finished as Irene nodded,

"Have the witches put up a protection spell around the hall, just in case" I said as I felt a familiar presence walk up behind me,

"Go now, before too many people are here" I said as she nodded and quickly walked off, a questionable look on her face as she met the gaze of the person behind me.

"You shouldn't be here" I said quietly as Damien walked up next to me, leaning against the wall,

"I know, but I can't stay away anymore, it's killing me not even being able to look at you" he said as I looked at him sighing, every cell in my body screaming to push myself against him and drink in every touch he could offer.

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