Chapter Thirty Nine - stars

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I awoke as I saw the room was pitch black, Damien's soft snores in my ear as I saw his arm protectively wrapped around me. He must have carried me to bed again, the events of the day causing me to pass out from pure exhaustion, not forgetting the indescribable orgasm that I had experience on the table.

I should probably apologise to Cyrene in the morning for the mess.

I slowly slid out of his embrace as I walked towards the door to the balcony and gently opened them, venturing out in the cool night air. I took a deep breath as I wrapped my arms around me, and I sighed.

He was right, I couldn't let Brand take the one small pure part I had left, and it wasn't fair to Damien. He had let me off with a lot, and from what I knew of mates, he had been doing very well to let me do half the things I had been doing. I knew it was hard for him and I was just constantly testing him and pushing him further to his limits.

I looked down to the gardens as I saw Evelyn sat out there, her white hair glowing under the moonlight. I turned as I quietly snuck out of the room and wandered down, my bare feet silent on the stones as I crept into the gardens,

She turned her head as she saw me, and she bent her chin allowing me to sit with her. I walked over as she moved up slightly and returned to looking up at the stars,

I sat in silence as I waited for her to speak,

"Gods, I used to be so fascinated by the stars. You never got them in the south, there was always large clouds in the sky blocking your view. My father blamed it on the fact that everyone was so ungrateful about their lives, so the gods blocked them from enjoying the night sky." She said quietly,

"I never believed him of course, but I dreamed of the day that I would finally look up and see the world twinkling above me, like the most gorgeous fabric I has ever laid my eyes on" she said as I smiled gently,

"The lands are nothing like you have read Lillian. People out there really need your help; the vampires have done nothing good in centuries and people have lost all hope. They are only concerned about being the most powerful and having enough to drink at their ridiculous balls and galas." She said as she turned to look at me,

"I am truly sorry about Bethany, and the chance I took with her life. If there had been any other way I would have done it, but I did not have a choice." She said as I looked her in her eyes, seeing no light within them.

I gripped her hands as she smiled at me looking back up, "me and Hyde dreamed of the days when we would rule, when we would change this world. Of course, our parents would have never allowed that to happen, but we dreamed big. Oh the things we were going to do, the plans we had. Gods, what happened to my life?" she said as I sniffled lightly, her broken tone causing a pain in my chest to grow.

"If you don't mind me asking Evelyn how is it that you have original blood in you if the king does not?" I said as she smiled at me,

"I am a bastard Lillian. Had I not been of original blood, they would have put me down the second I was born, but unfortunately I was useful for them. My father is the King in the South, but my mother was an original. My father was never faithful, disgusting pig of a man, and it turned out he had courted someone in the capital. She turned out to be with child, but I was not given the courtesy of belonging with them." She said as I listened quietly,

"As they do with you, I was called impure, an abomination. So I was sent to live with my father, never knowing who my mother was. The entire affair was kept tightly under wraps. Due to my power, they planned for me to take over, knowing I could control the land." She said as I rubbed her hands lightly,

"But once I found out what they had planned for my life, I knew I wanted nothing to do with that. The story I told you before was a lie, one planted in my head by Brand for you to sympathise with me, I was brought up a princess, but I made myself a fighter. When we joined the armies I fought my way to the top, to be better than the men. Women were not respected, far less than they are today, but I was constantly put down. They assumed all I was good for was bearing heirs" she said,

"I refused to let that be my destiny, so I became better than all of them, created my name, my image. I became the thing that others would fear and that I could be proud of. But I failed, I became the thing I feared, I did to you what I escaped myself and while I always thought I had chosen the better path for my life, I do believe now it would have been better if I had just stayed and become their little pet." She sighed as I shook my head,

"No." I said as she looked at me, "I don't believe that for a single second, you are the most selfless, powerful and the bravest woman I know. And I will let you be that person again, you can be whoever you want to be here, and I promise you when I take the throne, you will never be used by men again. You will choose your destiny Evelyn; I will ensure it." I said as I saw a slight spark enter her eyes,

"You will take back what you are owed, and you will do it as the person you chose to be. Princess, warrior, general? I don't care, you are free to choose who you are within my circle, I will never force you to be something you are not. All I ask is your loyalty to me, and that whatever happens you will trust my judgement. Do that and I will make sure you get your revenge" I said as she smiled at me,

"Lillian, how can I ever thank you? I have done things so awful to you, but you are willing to give me a chance, a chance to be free? Why?" she said as I smiled at her and hugged her close,

"Because I know what it's like to be given second chances Evelyn. I am a human who has been turned into witch. A killer who has been given the chance to be a saviour. Someone who lost everything she loves but has been given the rarest thing in the world, a mate. I have been dealt my fair share of second chances, and I know that even though I may not deserve them I will cherish them. I will use these gifts to do good, to finally give this world the fucking chance it deserves." I said as a small tear ran down my face,

"Just because we make a few mistakes along the way doesn't mean we are not deserving of our happy endings." I said as I smiled, "as my faithful arsehole assassin teacher always told me, you must get a few scars to learn your mistakes and become perfect. Life isn't easy, and it never will be, but we just must learn and grow together." I said as she wiped my tear and hugged me,

I stood up as I stepped away towards the hall, "Lillian" Evelyn called out as I turned back,

"I'm so glad I didn't kill you that day" she said as I laughed out loud,

"You couldn't have killed me if you tried Evelyn, now get to bed. There is much work to do".


thank you so much for reading, love you guys so much

the continued support is so lovely to see, and I really do appreciate it!

lots of love Lily x

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