Chapter Twenty-Three - Powers

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We carried on through the thick forest for a while, deep in our own thoughts until I felt starlight grunt lightly under me and I was ripped out of my thoughts as I smiled and patted her side gently.

"Okay girl I hear you" I said quietly stroking her mane as I pulled her to a halt, Cyrene stopping next to me, "I think we should take a little break; we don't want to wear out the horses too early" I said smiling to Cyrene as she nodded in agreement, and we tied up the horses to a nearby tree.

We sat down on the ground as she held out her hand to me and I frowned as she smiled, her eyes creasing slightly as she motioned to me, "Give me your hand" she instructed as I shrugged and gently placed my hand in hers.

"I had a little time to study the origin of your magic, but I have no idea the strength or limits within it. Your magic whilst being heavily predicted, has never been witness, therefore cannot be described" she said as I listened quietly, her fingers delicately wrapping around my hand.

"The basis of your magic is the life form within all the realms, within the universe itself. That plus the basic magic you hold from being a direct descendant from Hectate, there is no book that can tell me exactly what you are or what you are capable of" she said as she ran a finger up my forearm, my veins glowing a slight red as she did,

She let go of my hand as she crossed her arms, "Tell me, has it always maintained its red colour" she said as I bit my lip thinking,

"I think it has always been red, perhaps glimpses of black when I had turned my emotions off, sometimes black weaved throughout the red" I said as she whipped her head towards me her eyes glowing faintly, as she scanned my face.

"What did you just say?" she said deadly calm as I sighed and ran my hands through my hair looking away, forgetting that I had not informed her of my actions the past few weeks.

"Do you even understand the consequences that have come with that action Lillian? You lose a little bit of yourself, you turn yourself over to dark magic, the kind that will never leave you. I knew something had happened, but I thought you had just dulled them, not got rid of them completely. How dare you waste yourself using magic like that" she scolded as I felt a rush of shame run through me,

"I'm sorry Cyrene, I wasn't thinking. Bethany was gone and I felt as if I was completely alone, it was suffocating. I had stuff to do, and they were just getting in the way. I know it was a mistake and I'm so glad Damien brought me back but I didn't know what else to do, I was drowning" I said as she shook her head, wringing her hands.

"That is the darkest kind of magic Lillian, unpredictable and dangerous, where did you even find that spell" she said as I frowned pulling out the spell book, "In here, apparently this was my mothers. This is also where we found the letter that was addressed to Brand" I said as she ran her hands over the book,

She instantly gasped as she threw the book away holding her hands to her chest, a small burn mark evident on her skin,

"Oh my gods" I said as I reached over and gripped her hands wrapped them in mine, a faint red light surrounding them as I healed her and she turned to look at me,

"Lillian, this is no normal magic book, this is the darkest of the darkest books on this earth. How did it end up in your possession" she said rubbing her hands as I frowned picking it up,

"My mother gave it to Damien who gave to me around a year ago, but it didn't open until I got my powers" I said as she narrowed her eyes looking at me holding the book within my grasp,

"Okay, one rule I have. Never under any circumstance, use anything from that book again, it will cost more than you think. Those spells are banned for a reason, and they may unleash more than you are told. You cannot trust this book, if I can find out how to destroy it when we get back, I will." she said firmly as I nodded putting it away.

"Now let's carry on, we have no time to waste" she said motioning me to continue as I held my hand out letting my power cover it,

"How fascinating" she said as she looked closely, as if she was analysing the magic flowing over my fingers, "Have you learnt any spells?" she asked as I shook my head, "I've only ever used two spells, one for the emotions and one to cloak myself, to create an illusion" I said as she nodded,

"I knew most of that. You don't really need spells or incantation, most of your power comes from your mind, whatever you need you can do, some things will be harder than others, but your emotions will fuel your power" she said as I grimaced,

"Yeah, I shattered a mountain once" I said quietly, mainly to myself, as she raised her eyebrows delicately at me, "I was pissed off" I muttered as I put my hand back on my lap, dismissing her questions.

"Oh my gods, my people, my kingdom. I must get back to them" I gasped as I stood up in a panic, "I completely forgot, there just been so much has been going on" I said, "I can't abandon them, I have to go back now." I said as she stood up smiling at me, motioning me to sit back down.

"Please, don't worry. I've sent people to inform your kingdom what is going on, and to make sure they have the supplies and the training needed" she said as I held my hand over my mouth,

"Oh my gods I killed that werewolf, before I left, I traumatised children. Oh fuck I'm going to be sick" I managed to get out before I turned around and rested my hands on knees, throwing up onto the ground,

Cyrene quickly moved and rubbed my back as I heaved again and again, tears running down my face as I dropped onto the floor, my stomach turning again and again.

"Oh gods, how can I be a Queen? How can I be what these prophecies have said I would be? I've done terrible, terrible things, stuff that someone who is meant to lead this world should have never done. How has Dagger not ripped my throat out" I whispered as she helped me back up and offered me some water, a sympathetic look on her face.

"Well for one, I quickly warned him that it was a battle he would never win, and I'd rather not see him dead so quickly. Secondly, it's because I know you, and I knew that something was up and it wasn't you, but you are in his debt. You owe him big time" she said as I nodded, wiping my mouth gently.

"I am sorry, I know I was stupid and I've not being very helpful at all. I just keep getting everyone into more messes, but I'm just sick of people dying around me. Bethany just broke me, and I don't think I will ever recover" I said a small tear running down my face as placed the water down, picking at my nails,

"If it's true, about Brand and Magda, I will kill him with my bare fucking hands" I growled as I lifted my eyeline to her, "He will pay for taking Bethany's life" I vowed as she nodded,

"Lillian, he will pay for every life he has taken, and all the wrong he has done. Don't you worry, what we need to do now is keep moving, we need to get to this place, get back and rescue your friends as well as save your kingdom" she said as I nodded standing up.

"Hang on a moment" I paused as she turned to me, "Why didn't we just portal there?" I chuckled as she smiled at me,

"I have no idea" she laughed as I walked over to her, "We could get nearby, quickly run in and run out. It would save us days of travel, and would mean we have more time to study the item before we must return" I said as she got out her map laying it down next to us,

"Lillian, I'm sorry, I couldn't do it, I don't have the power to conjure up a portal for that distance, it would have to be you. Your magic should be able to create a stable enough path for us to get there and back safely" she said as I nodded, shaking my hands,

"Then we gather what we need and go now. Let's just get this over and done with, before Damien ruins your castle or someone within it" I smirked as I pulled out my dagger twirling it in my hand, "Let's find this damn map and figure out what the fuck is going on."


hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading

love you all x

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