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   Wanglong Cemetery in City A.

    The rain on this day was as heavy as the day when the heroes and heroines broke up in all idol dramas. Zhou Ningyu was wearing a black dress and holding a big black umbrella, standing at the end of the line.

    Like everyone else, she cried so much that Ewha was so painful that she felt like she was about to lose her breath in the next second.

    Although she didn't even know whose funeral it was.

    You may not believe it, she is here for a blind date today.

    Her mother arranged a blind date for her, and the other party was a domineering president. The boss was busy with work, meetings and business trips turned around, and the schedule was full. Today, he finally took a time and said that he would meet her by the way while attending the funeral.

    Zhou Ningyu sincerely suggested to her mother at the time: "If this is the case, what kind of blind date is he going to do? Work is his best home."

    Her mother only dismissed her with a blank eye.

    Anyway, she came today. Although she is here for a blind date, the atmosphere now...not crying is not Chinese.

    After Zhou Ningyu's eyes became swollen from crying, the funeral was finally over. When leaving the scene, Zhou Ningyu clearly heard an aunt next to her say: "This little girl must have a very good relationship with her, and the whole team counted her crying most sadly."

    Another person replied, "It may also be the one who collected the money. Do this."

    "Then she is very dedicated, and we will look for her in the future."

    "..." Zhou Ningyu calmly brushed the hair on the side of his face.

    Unexpectedly, I came to participate in a blind date, and accidentally discovered the wealth code.

    The rain gradually became lighter, and Zhou Ningyu finally saw his blind date-President Ba.

    "I saw you at the funeral just now. Based on my rich blind date experience, you didn't come voluntarily." President Ba was indeed dressed up as a boss, and he was followed by an assistant who was eager to move. He may be a habit of meeting and having meetings. Yes, when he talked to Zhou Ningyu, he was also talking about business matters, and he spoke very fast, as if he was in a hurry to catch a plane.

    Zhou Ningyu glanced at him unexpectedly, not that he was surprised to see through himself: "You have a lot of experience on blind dates?"

    Isn't it so difficult for the boss to live so easily these years?

    The overlord said: "

    That's right." "Then why...have been unsuccessful?" Zhou Ning asked cautiously and gossiping.

    President Ba said: "Maybe I didn't meet the right one."

    Zhou Ningyu asked him, "Are you too demanding?"

    President Ba did not answer her question, but just glanced at her: "I'll give you a suggestion. I don't want to have a blind date. If you don’t, just tell your family, don’t waste each other’s time."

    Zhou Ningyu smiled and nodded, politely said: "Then I will give you a suggestion, too."


    "Don't be too bad for gender.

    " ......" After

    walking out of the cemetery, President Ba waited for his driver to drive over, and politely asked Zhou Ningyu: "Where are you going? I'll see you off."

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