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    Qi Wang leaned very close, and the water vapor from the tips of his hair seemed to follow Zhou Ningyu's breathing, soaking into his internal organs.

    The heartbeat speeded up suddenly, Zhou Ningyu looked at Qi Wang's handsome face close at hand and swallowed nervously: "Yes, I'm sorry, I won't be anymore."

    But can you put on your clothes first.

    Qi Wang didn't hear her voice, but leaned closer: "Do you still want to have a future?"

    "No," Zhou Ning said, "Don't chew on words."

    Qi Wang curled his lips slightly, watching Zhou Ningyu smile. Laughing: "Okay, let me bite something else."

    Before Zhou Ningyu asked him what to bite, he lowered his head and covered her lips, biting and teasing. Zhou Ningyu originally pressed his chest, and slowly wrapped his hands around his neck.

    Qi Wang's body is long and long, and he doesn't look very strong, but he can feel his tough muscles when he touches it. Zhou Ningyu guessed that he must have exercise regularly, otherwise he wouldn't be able to develop this inverted triangle figure with a wide shoulders and a narrow waist.

    The two kissed very emotionally. Zhou Ningyu didn't know where he hooked the towel around Qi Wang's waist. In short, when she could detect it, the only fig leaf on Qi Wang's body had fallen to the ground.

    Zhou Ningyu: "..."

    There was a strange silence in the room. Zhou Ningyu knew that she should cover her eyes politely at this time, but she almost subconsciously glanced at Qi Wang's lower body.

    I don’t know that Qi Wang had some subtle reactions at first glance!

    Qi Wang quickly picked up the towel on the ground to cover his embarrassing part: "I'm going to put on a dress."

    "...Oh, oh, good." Zhou Ningyu turned his head and coughed softly.

    When they were driving in the small group of authors before, several married female authors said that they must be a priori before getting married, otherwise it would be too late to find out that the life of the husband and wife is not harmonious after marriage.

    Zhou Ningyu thought to herself, is she tested today?

    Because Qi Wang had already reacted a little, what she saw was still more...a scale?

    Fuck, what is she thinking.

    Zhou Ningyu found out that she was a pure and beautiful girl, and she was really broken by those old-fashioned critics in the group.

    Being embarrassed by himself, Qi Wang had already dressed up and came out. He simply put on his nightgown, but at least it looked much better than the towel just now.

    As soon as he walked over, he looked at Zhou Ningyu for a few moments, and then a joking arc formed at the corner of his mouth: "Little boy, why is your face so red?"

    "Have you?" Zhou Ningyu raised his hand and touched his face, "Oh. , It may be that the room is too boring."

    "Oh." Qi Wang stepped forward and approached her again, "The person being watched is obviously me, why are you embarrassed?"

    "......" So why are you Can you be so calm and calm? Men really have no shame!

    Even though Qi Wang didn't let her go, he put his arms around her waist and sniffed ambiguously around her neck: "According to the novel, should I ask now, am I still satisfied with what you saw? "

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