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    The third day of the training program was the opening ceremony of City H Literature Week.

    Zhou Ningyu and others finished their breakfast early, and went to the venue of Literature Week together on the bus arranged by the Writers Association.

    This is the first time that City H has organized a literary week event, and it is also very grand. Not only has it invited many great writers, but there are also many Internet influencers in the media area.

    Everyone seemed a little excited, Zhou Ningyu and Chen Qingyang found their seats and sat down on the chairs.

    "Look, Mu Chengzhou's position is here." Zhou Ningyu passed the ranking list on his hand and pointed it to Chen Qingyang. "Fortunately, I'm sitting here too. This one should be the person who sits to receive the award."

    In order to facilitate the stage to receive the award, the positions of the winning authors are arranged in front and aside. Chen Qingyang found the position of Mu Chengzhou corresponding to the ranking table: "That should be there."

    She pointed to the front left, and the position in that direction was still vacant.

    "Aren't they here yet?" Zhou Ningyu was a little nervous. Whether he can see Mu Chengzhou's deity, it depends on this time!

    Chen Qingyang said: "They should come together to win the prize. Let's wait." The

    two were talking, and a girl with a badge holding a stack of books came over: " Ningyan Ningyu is great, you Remember me? I don't know if you can sign for me?"

    Zhou Ningyu looked at the book she was holding and was taken aback. Her "Everything Says Don't Engage in Immortals and Demon Love" has a lot of words, and it is published in two volumes, so it is so high that there are four or five sets.

    "Okay." She took the pen handed by the girl and asked, "You bought so much?" The

    girl said: "And my friends, they all like you very much too!"

    "Thank you."

    Zhou Ning said. After quickly signing her name, the girl looked at her happily and asked her: "When will your new book be released?"

    Sitting next to him, Chen Qingyang laughed loudly: "Sexy reader, remind me in person."

    Zhou Ningyu said: "..." The

    girl said: "The comics of "Fairy Demon Love" have been updated for almost 20 chapters, and your new article has not been published yet!"

    Zhou Ningyu coughed dryly, laughed and said to her: "It's coming soon Soon, I will finish the outline when I go back."

    "That's great!" The girl thanked her again, and walked away with a high stack of books.

    After she left, the venue suddenly became noisy. Zhou

    Ningyu stood up curiously and looked around. His eyes lit up: "Come here, I see Teacher Xingxin !" Chen Qingyang also stood up, and the door beside the stage did come in. A large group of people, including authors, editors and staff who escort them. After they arrived, they sat down in the empty seat on the front left. Zhou Ningyu quickly compared the lower ranking table and said to Chen Qingyang beside him: "No one is sitting at the seat of the wooden boat!"

    "Don't worry, he may be going.     Go to the toilet."

    Zhou Ning said: "..."

"You sit here, I will say hello to Xingxin and the others, and by the way, I will help you ask about Mu Chengzhou." Chen Qingyang patted Zhou Ningyu on the shoulder and got up to go. Went ahead. Zhou Ningyu looked at their direction from a distance. Chen Qingyang didn't talk for too long, and soon returned: "I asked. They said Mu Chengzhou came today and was discussing things with people. Come here later."

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