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   The director far away in the studio suddenly received an additional investment.

    The call came with Qian, and there was a message from the person in charge of Tianyu that Qi Wang temporarily left the crew because of something wrong with their eldest lady, and the money was used to compensate for the loss caused to the crew.

    The director looked at the string of zeros on the screen, and everything disappeared. He even felt that this kind of mistake could be made several times.

    Early the next morning, Qi Wang took Zhou Ningyu to Dr. Liao's treatment room.

    Both Bai Ruiyang and Zhou Ningyu's mother were there, and they had already chatted with Doctor Liao just now. When Zhou Ningyu arrived, he was called in directly by Doctor Liao, and the rest of the people sat outside and waited.

    Zhou Ningyu came to see Dr. Liao this time, and felt very different from the previous few times. It may be that he finally gained recognition as a patient this time.

    "Doctor Liao, there are some things I still can't remember, such as what happened to Qi Wang and I, and Ye Li, how did she die?" In her memory, although she knew that Ye Li was dead, but in the middle She couldn't remember the process.

    "This is because Ye Li's death has caused you very serious stimulation, and your brain is still subconsciously avoiding this." Dr. Liao looked at her, "Her death is the direct cause of your illness, in your subconscious mind. Still can't accept it."

    Zhou Ning said: "Then what should I do to remember? Is hypnosis useful?"

    "If you want to accept hypnosis, you can also try it, but don't force yourself to think about it. The mental pressure of her is not conducive to treatment."

    "Good." Qi Wang also told her to let the flow go.

    Dr. Liao said: "You should not continue to take the medicines I prescribed for you before. I will prescribe some medicines for you again. You should take these now."


    "You still have to take them on time. If you have any problems, you can contact me anytime."

    "Okay, thank you Doctor Liao." Zhou Ningyu nodded and asked her again, "By the way, Qi Wang is particularly afraid of thunder. I wonder if he has told you about this matter?"

    Doctor Liao said , "I know this. He mentioned it when he talked to me. He would occasionally have nightmares because of the shadow of his mother's death. But his condition is not serious, I have prescribed some tranquilizers for him."

    "So... Then I don’t know if this can be cured?"

    Dr. Liao said, "This is mainly up to the patient to overcome it. The medicine can only play a role in assisting. If you have time, you can chat with him, maybe there will be Help."


    Zhou Ningyu finished talking with Dr. Liao, walked out of the treatment room, and the people waiting outside looked at him together: "How?"

    Zhou Ningyu was a little stressed by them: "Dr. Liao Saying that my condition has improved, I re-prescribed the medicine, and then told me not to have too much mental pressure and let the flow go. Don’t worry too much, because you’re like this and I’m under a lot of pressure.”

    Several people were silent for a while, Qi Wang said: "I'll help you get the medicine first."

    "I'll go with you." Zhou Ningyu followed Qi Wang and walked towards the medicine collection place.

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