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    After arriving at the film and television base, Zhou Ningyu didn't even have time to put his luggage, so he was pulled to attend the opening ceremony.

    The crew specially calculated it in time, stepping on the burning incense to worship, and seeing Zhou Ningyu being pulled over, the director quickly called her: "Come on, Xiao Zhou, you and the leading actors will offer incense together." In front of the

    red cloth table. , Standing the male lead and female lead of the play and the male two female two, heard the director called Zhou Ningyu, everyone looked back at her.

    Standing in the middle between Qi Wang and the hostess Wen Ke, he also looked at Zhou Ningyu. His eyes swept across her very often, and he couldn't see any difference from the others. Zhou Ningyu didn't dare to look at him more, and quickly smiled at everyone.

    It was the first time that she saw so many stars at once, but it was a pity that she didn't have time to look twice, and a stick of incense was stuffed in her hand.

    Holding the incense and bowing to the roast suckling pig and various fruits on the table for three times, Zhou Ningyu wanted to round her up. Is this married to Qi Wangbaitang?

    After their group of worship, other people came to the incense, Zhou Ningyu also met the young actors who played the male and female protagonists when they were young. The two little actors are both cute and spiritual, and they also say they like Zhou Ningyu's books. Zhou Ningyu was very happy, and when he was playing with them, he inadvertently glanced aside Qi Zuo.

    He is still standing with the heroine, and the two are exchanging something.

    After everyone had worshipped, the crew took a group photo of Zhang Da, and the director announced the official start-up. After the ceremony was completed, Zhou Ningyu took the car to the hotel to put his luggage.

    As soon as she arrived at the hotel, her elder brother Bai Ruiyang called her: "Xiaoyu, are you at the hotel?"


    I'm here, and I'm about to move in." "The room set by the crew is too bad. I'll make it for you again. Room, you go to the front desk, they know."

    "Ah this," Zhou Ningyu dragged his luggage towards the front desk, "wouldn't it be so good? Would people say I'm special?"

    It was the first time she worked as a screenwriter, and it was the first time she was with the group. At the beginning, she decided to come with the group to experience and exercise. But before she started, her brother changed her room first.

    Bai Ruiyang didn't care: "I made the difference in the price of the room. If they think you are special, they can also pay to make it special."


    "I've seen it, and most of the screenwriters All the time is to stay in the room and change the script. You have to live for a month. Of course, you have to change to a room with a better environment." Bai Ruiyang makes sense. "The crew previously set a two-person room. It looked small and boring. Personal living is inconvenient. I have moved you to the same floor as some of the leading actors, so the room will also make a living, but at any rate it is a single room and a study room. It is more convenient for you to work."

    "Okay, thank you brother! "Zhou Ningyu walked to the front desk, handed over his ID card, and said to Bai Ruiyang, "Then I will check in first, and I will talk later."

    "Yeah." Bai Ruiyang exhorted, "If there is something outside, remember to give it to I'll call, or I can tell mom directly."

    "That still won't work." If her mother knows, she might run over to book her a five-star hotel, "Remember to tell mom, I'm fine, especially good!"

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