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    The wedding photos of Qi Wang and Zhou Ningyu were not surprisingly on the hot search.

    Because the effect of the film is very good, the interaction between the two is very sweet, and some CP fans are also sucked.

    ――This pair of CPs is not only fidelity, but the man is so rigid, and they are very happy when they knock!

    Qi Wang got married and lost a lot of fans before, but those who still stay now accept this fact. When his Weibo was first posted, all the comments in the comments were blessings from fans, or shouting sweet. After the hot search, some fans who have already shed their fans came, either yin and yang weird, or directly cursed.

    It's just that the number of people who have turned their fans back on them after all is not as good as the number of fans, and neither likes nor comments can do the same with previous reviews.

    Qi Wang didn't care about these people who still insisted on scolding him, just like the wording on his Weibo, along the way, he has never regretted it.

    In April, Qi Wang and Zhou Ningyu officially held their wedding. Although Qi Wang is a member of the entertainment industry, his short debut time is not a character that loves making friends, so he actually does not invite many celebrities in the circle. On the other hand, Zhou Ningyu invited a lot of authors and friends, and basically half of them came to the circle.

    Zhou Ningyu himself joked that it didn't feel like her and Qi Wang's wedding ceremony, but more like an author conference.

    They did not invite media for their wedding, and the pictures on the Internet were all taken by the wedding team, and then Qi Wang and Zhou Ningyu posted them on Weibo by themselves.

    In order to complete the KPI, the media took photos and began to write manuscripts. For a moment, it seemed that Qi Wang and Zhou Ningyu's wedding were being discussed everywhere. Qi Wang's black fan went to the forum and opened a building, saying that Qi Wang's masterpiece did not exist, but he was very good at marketing in Zhou Ning's language.

    Fans also opened an anti-dangerous building, specifically posting pictures of Qi Wang and weddings, and promoting the upcoming "Qing Qing".

    The two sides refused to yield to each other, fighting each other on the forum every day, and Qi Wang plunged into the filming of "Two Boys by the Sea" and had no time to bother about these things.

    After he and Zhou Ningyu had their wedding, they didn't go to their honeymoon right away because the crew started up. Qi Wang made an appointment with Zhou Ningyu and went out to have a good time when the movie was finished.     In order not to allow anything to delay his honeymoon progress, Qi Wang's performance in the crew is almost as if he is on the go. Even the director can't help but praise him for his dedication and rapid progress.     Zhao Yi is a person who doesn't recognize his relatives since he started filming. No matter what actor or actress you are, you have to follow his standards when you get to him. Many actors have complained on Weibo, saying that filming director Zhao's scene is miserable. But no one has ever refused to cooperate with Zhao Yi because of this, because the quality of his shots is very high, and the audience will pay for the name of Zhao Yi.     It is very rare for Qi Wang to survive and be praised under Zhao Yi's hands. After all, this is the first time he has made a movie.     One day the crew had a dinner, Zhao Yi was happy, and posted a picture of Zhang and Qi Wang on Weibo, praising him as a promising young actor. Fans immediately took turns, and even quarreled with black fans even more confident.     When the movie was about to finish, "Qing Qing" finally officially started broadcasting in the eyes of fans!     Because it will be broadcast on TV and online platforms, many fans watch it on TV first, and then watch it again on video sites. Zhou Ningyu originally mastered this skill when he was chasing "New Student Registration", and now he is also proficient in watching the big screen of the TV first, and then turning on the computer to watch the barrage.     The ratings of "Qing Qing" on the first day were gratifying, and both TV ratings and network broadcasts rushed to the top. Because of the good reputation after the broadcast, many fans and passers-by who did not read the book also tried to read it, and then couldn't stop watching it. They kept updating on the official blog every day.     The TV series is very particular about the service, and it is very textured. The plot is controlled all the way by the original author of Zhou Ningyu, and every link is not lost.     The actors' acting skills are also online, especially the two leading actors Wen Ke and Qi Wang, not only the appearance is very eye-catching, but the acting is also meticulous.

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