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    The editor of Mu Chengzhou's first novel was Tiantang.

    "At the time I was in charge of the publication of "The Seaside", but I left Skyworth because of my marriage and pregnancy."

    Zhou Ningyu held her mobile phone and was still stunned after listening to her: "Why did you call this phone?"

    Opposite. Humanity: "Skyworth's editors can't take QQ away when they leave, but when I communicated with you on publishing matters before leaving, I called you. This is the number that I have kept."

    "This number?" Zhou Ning said subconsciously. Repeated her words, this is her own number, no doubt, she has been using it for many years. If the other party made a mistake by accident, it is impossible not to realize it.

    Isn't Mu Chengzhou a man? She sounded like a girl in her voice, but she didn't show any strangeness on the other side. Could it be that when she called Mu Chengzhou a few years ago, it was a girl who answered the phone?     Seeing that she did not speak there, she continued to say: "I am calling you this time to ask if the teacher's new book can be considered for cooperation with our company? I have restarted my work now, and it is published in Qingyuan."     "Ah?"     "It's like this, it may be a bit presumptuous, I know you have been cooperating with Skyworth, but the last issue of "Secret Garden" removed your column, so I wonder if something went wrong with your cooperation I also asked my colleagues at Skyworth before, they may not be convenient to disclose to me, they are vague, so I called the teacher this call."     "Oh..." Zhou Ningyu's hand on the conversation subconsciously pinched Tight, fingertips are slightly whitish. After a while, she said: "I'll get back to you later."     "Okay, you can consider it." The other side said, "I will send you my Q later. Anything is okay. Tell me directly on Q."     "Okay."     "That will disturb the teacher." After the person on the other side finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

    Zhou Ningyu put down the phone and sat in front of the computer in a daze. The unexplained roar echoed in her mind all the time, and she rubbed her temples without any relief.

    She opened the phone's address book and found Mu Chengzhou's call.

    The phone numbers of the two of them are not at all similar, and it would be too wrong to say that it was a wrong number.

    However, she has not saved the other party's number, just an unknown call. Whether she is the former editor Tiantang of "Secret Garden" as she said is unclear. Is it a prank call? Or a new type of fraud?

    It's really possible to think about it this way, after all, the current liar can figure out all the routines.

    But she was still worried, especially the buzzing in her head, which made her very uneasy.

    She picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to the well-known writer Mu Chengzhou: "Are you there, Qi Wang?"

    "Why don't you reply to me?"

    "I just received a call from Mu Chengzhou, why did she Call me here? Did you tell her my number?"

    Zhou Ningyu sent several messages in one breath, but it was still the same as before.

    For a while before, she sent messages to Qi Wang's account very frequently. Although she couldn't get a reply as she is now, she was extraordinarily paranoid. Later, she saw the post that Qi Wang posted, and he misunderstood that he was hooking up with another little brother. Zhou Ningyu was a little guilty, and was afraid that he would really misunderstand him, so he didn't send a message to Mu Chengzhou for a while.

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