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   Since Zhou Ningyu and Qi Wang were together, their relationship has grown by leaps and bounds. Of course, under the close scrutiny of the cousin, the two never did anything discordant.

    The end of the year was approaching in an instant, and Zhou Ningyu's visa expired. On the day she returned, Qi went to send her off.

    Zhou Ningyu could tell that Qi Wang's mood was a little depressed. In fact, she didn't like long-distance relationships.

    "Didn't you say that at the beginning of the year, you will come back and develop? It's only two months!" Zhou Ningyu was just like coaxing children, coaxing an unhappy face, "I'll be waiting for you in China." ! " "

    ah. "Qi jump whispered to be a cry, the company originally expected that after the Spring Festival to let him past, but he did not want to wait a day.

    The two of them were talking crookedly at the airport, and the cousin who came to see Zhou Ningyu had already stood aside in silence.

    She suddenly remembered that before Zhou Ningyu came, she had been clamoring that she would eat her sister and brother-in-law's dog food when she came. Unexpectedly, they didn't give Zhou Ningyu any dog ​​food, but Zhou Ningyu gave her dog food.

    "It's almost time, I'm going to the security check." Zhou Ningyu picked up her carry-on luggage and prepared to line up for security check. Qi Wang's face was a bit ugly again, but he nodded and said, "Call me after landing."


    "Call me every day."

    "Know, you've said it many times! "When he saw Qi Wang's first face, Zhou Ningyu killed him and never thought he was so clingy to a man.

    "Then I'm really leaving." Zhou Ningyu held up the small suitcase and waved to him, "Hey, where did my cousin go?"

    The cousin in the corner: "..."

    Zhou Ningyu saw that she didn't leave , and she really couldn't keep up. The plane was off, and I went up and hugged Qizuo, and went through the security check. Qi Wang waited until she entered the customs before leaving with her cousin.

    After Zhou Ningyu left, Liu Fang suddenly found that Qi Wang was spending more time in school. Of course, it is now nearing the end of the term. He should take care of his preparations for the exam, but he always feels that things are not that simple.

    Qi Wang was not a good-tempered person at first, but his air pressure was obviously lower than before in the past two days, and he no longer smirked at the phone.

    So after Liu Fang's analysis, he quickly came to the conclusion-Qi Wang is definitely broken in love!

    I told him a long time ago that women are unreliable, and only brothers are the most affectionate company!

    "Buddy, what's the matter?" Liu fart leaned forward,

    looking for Qi Miao to speak, "Did you blow with your girlfriend?" Qi Miao raised his eyes and looked at him, silently releasing his chill.

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong." Liu Fang was very desperate to correct his words, "It's an ex-girlfriend! Ex-girlfriend!"

    He specially emphasized the pronunciation of the former, for fear that Qi would not be able to hear it clearly.

    Qi Wang's eyes were colder than before, he stood up and turned his head and left.

    Liu Fang understood his sadness of being broken in love, so he followed him with a good temper: "Hurt, isn't it a woman? What's the big deal! Go, buddy will take you out tonight!"

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