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    Zhou Ningyu's emotions fluctuated greatly in one day, and his body and mind were a little tired. She wants to get a good night's sleep, but there are still many things circling in her mind, making her unable to sleep at ease.

    "Qi Wang." She called Qi Wang. "Did I know you before?"

    She still couldn't remember it right away? And how Ye Li died, she didn't have any impression.

    Qi Wang's eyes changed, and he looked at her and asked: "Little dear, how do you know that I am afraid of thunder?"

    Zhou Ning said in a weird manner: "You told me."

    Qi Wang asked her, "When will I tell you." Yours?"

    Zhou Ningyu thought for a while, it was obvious that she was ready to answer, but she only opened her mouth and couldn't answer.

    It's strange, when did Qi Wang tell her that he was afraid of thunder.

    She remembered that because of the rain that night, she stayed in Huadu for the night. At night, the thunder was roaring, and she almost ran to Qizuo's room to look for him without even thinking about it.

    But now I think about it carefully, only to find that she has known Qi Wang for so long. He really hasn't told her that he is afraid of thunder.

    Although Zhou Ningyu is finely divided, she is not stupid. Contacting what Qi Wang just told her, she naturally thought of the answer: "Did you tell me before?"

    "Yeah." Qi Wang nodded, "When I was abroad. "

    Zhou Ningyu's eyes moved slightly: "So what you said is true. We really met abroad?"


    "That ex-girlfriend of yours is me?"

    "I don't have an ex-girlfriend. , We never broke up." Qi Wang looked at her with a very serious tone.

    Zhou Ningyu didn't know what to say, but felt sour and uncomfortable in his heart. She wanted to remember all the things she had forgotten. She wanted to know what happened to Ye Li, but when she thought about these things, her head hurt.

    "Little boy, what's the matter?" Qi Wang saw her raised his eyebrows, even his face turned pale, and immediately became nervous, "Where is it uncomfortable?"

    "Qi Wang, I can't remember." When Zhou Ning said again, There was a faint cry in his tone, "My head hurts, why can't I remember it?"

    "Don't think about it if you don't remember." Qi Wang hugged her into his arms and patted her back to comfort her," You have done a good job."

    Today, the amount of information has been a lot for her, and Qi Wang is afraid that she will collapse again if she bears more.

    "Shall we go to sleep?" Qi Wang softly coaxed Zhou Ning with the child's tone of voice, "Tomorrow we will go to Doctor Liao again, and she will help you."

    "Okay." Zhou Ning said lying in Qi Wang's arms. Here, sleepiness surged up in waves. She did not resist this time, and fell asleep in Qi Wang's arms.

    Seeing that she was asleep, Qi Wang carried her onto the bed in the room. I don't know what dream she had, and she frowned slightly when she fell asleep.

    Qi Wang rubbed her eyebrows distressedly, and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

    When Zhou Ningyu woke up, it was already dark. She looked around and slowly recalled what happened today.

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