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    Zhou Ningyu has only attended one funeral for so many years, the blind date her mother arranged for her.

    She always thought that she had concealed it very well, but now Qi Wang suddenly asked, she felt a guilty conscience: "You, do you know that I went to the blind date behind your back? It was my mother who insisted on letting me go. " "

    ...... "Let's jump was silent for a moment, gently rubbing her head and asked," do you remember whose funeral it? "

    Zhou Ning language Min Chun sip opening:." I do not know, "

    Qi jump is not I was anxious, and slowly asked, "Do you think about it again?"

    Zhou Ningyu followed his words and thought for a while, as if recalling something: "I remember being a girl, quite young."

    "Yes, no Wrong." Qi Wang held her hand and looked at her and said, "You didn't go to a blind date that day, you went to a funeral."

    Zhou Ningyu's eyes widened slightly, and Qi Wang was saying that she did not recognize her. The same thing, is he sick again?

    Qi Wang looked at her for a while, as if he had made some determination, and then said, "Do you remember Ye Li?"

    Zhou Ningyu's heart beat suddenly, and the roar in his head was sharper than ever . In a daze, she saw a few pictures flashed in front of her eyes, but they disappeared so fast that she could not see clearly: "Ye Li?"

    "Yes, she is also the author of, under the same editor as you." Qi Wang said this softly, watching Zhou Ningyu's reaction without blinking his eyes, "You met her not long after you started writing "Xian Mo Lian"."

    Zhou Ningyu felt his heart beating faster and faster in his mind. The scenes that Li Fei flashed quickly seemed to be much clearer than before: "Ye Li..."

    Yes, she seems to know such a person.

    When she first joined the editor group, Ye Li welcomed herself in the group. Generally, few people in the editor group talk. Ye Li is the most active author in the group. She often asks some questions in the group, and she also shares some dry stuff of writing in the group.

    Because it is the same frequency and the same editor as Zhou Ningyu, and the signing time is the same, so she has paid special attention to Zhou Ningyu's novels. Then one day, Ye Li sent a friend request to her Q, Zhou Ningyu remembered her, and agreed.

    After adding friends, Zhou Ningyu found that she was even more ridiculous than she was in the group, and she seemed to have more to talk about.

    "Ningyan Ningyu is great, I read your article! I came here to hook you up!"

    "I really like the article "Xian Mo Lian", I think you will be hot!"

    "We two are at the same time. , I only entered the group a week earlier than you did, but your data is much better than mine QAQ"

    "Sure enough, is it a good meal to eat? QAQ"

    "But big, you update too little! You even broke a day! Waving! Little whip whip!"

    Zhou Ningyu arrived for the first time, and many things were unfamiliar to her, but because Ye Li was very enthusiastic, the two quickly got to know each other. Because they are newcomers in the same period, the two often chat about data and rankings, and they will also read each other's tweets and give each other opinions.

    "Two lemon you did not feel like writing new ah, you are not there other vest!"

    "I really was the first to write network text!" "Ow,

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