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   Zhou Ningyu hung up the phone and hurriedly went to the director: "Director, I have something urgent at home, I want to take a day off with you. I have to go back."

    Zhou Ningyu has been with the crew for nearly half a month, and has been working very hard during this period. Seriously, and very cooperating with the work of the crew, this is the first time she has asked for leave. The director looked at her really anxious, and didn't embarrass her: "

    Okay , you go and come back quickly." "Ok, thank you, if you want to change the script when I'm away, please contact sister Tongtong first, thank you director!" Zhou Ningyu I thanked the director again, and hurried back to the hotel to pack my things. When she left, Qi Wang and Wen Ke were discussing the movements with the martial arts teacher, and she was not good to go up and bother. She glanced at Qi Wang, and hurriedly left the crew.

    It took more than an hour for the filming of the male and female lead to complete the filming, during which the director did not let everyone rest. When the director was finally satisfied with the film, everyone on the crew had time to take a breath. Qi Wang walked back to his rest, sat in a chair and took a drink.

    When he was filming, he discovered that Zhou Ningyu had disappeared. Only then did he have the opportunity to ask his assistant: "Did Teacher Zhou go back to the hotel?"

    Xiao Zhang said, "I just heard the coordinating lady say that Teacher Zhou asked the director for leave. , I said there is something urgent at home, I have to go back."

    Qi Mou frowned slightly, holding his mobile phone to send a message to Zhou Ningyu: "Little boy, what happened to your house?"

    Zhou Ningyu did not reply to him for a long time, Qi Mou Her brows were frowned again, and she walked over to the director and asked, "Director Yi, the screenwriter teacher asked you for leave?"

    "Yes." The director looked at the footage shot today, while returning to her, "Said it was something urgent at home. I think she looks really anxious."

    Qi Wang asked, "Did she tell you what happened?"

    "No." When the director said this, he raised his head and glanced at him, "Why, you seem to be Are you very concerned about Teacher Zhou's family affairs?"

    Qi Mian said without changing his expression: "The screenwriter is not here, who do I want to tell me about the play?" The

    director said: "Look for me."

    "..." Qi Wei glanced at him in silence, turned and left.

    The director looked at his back and felt very unconvinced. Is there any problem with talking to him as the chief director? Who in the whole crew knows more than his director? !

    He thought about it, and suddenly he was happy, and suddenly took out his mobile phone.

    Before Qi Wang had to follow Xiao Zhou to his room every night to check the script, he faintly felt that this matter was not easy, and today he finally knew what was wrong.

    Qi Wang and Zhou Ningyu were added to his WeChat at the same time. He hadn't noticed at the beginning, but now he took out their avatars separately... Isn't this a couple avatar!

    Xiao Zhou and Qi Wang are in love? ?

    The director never expected that he accidentally broke such a big secret.

    "Director, what's the matter?" Seeing that the director's face was wrong, the assistant director next to him thought he was not satisfied with the scene he just shot. The director put away his cell phone and coughed dryly: "It's nothing, go ahead."

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