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    Zhou Ningyu's training ground is in the suburbs, and it takes more than an hour by car. Zhou Ningyu and Tao Guo went by early in the morning, and when they arrived, they visited the training ground and it was almost time for lunch.

    Zhou Ningyu has always been very positive about eating, and finally looking forward to the meal in the cafeteria, he took Tao Guo and ran over.

    "Today, your auntie made it for you alone. You have a good taste." Bai Ruiyang held a meal and put it on the dining hall table. The employees passing by, smelling the aroma, all looked at Zhou Ningyu's plate: "Miss, why are you eating differently from us!"

    "Yes, Miss, are you still eating alone?"

    Zhou Ningyu said without any guilty conscience: "Yeah, do you try to be a big lady too?"

    "Forget it, Aunt Zhu is delicious in everything, and I eat my own."

    " Yes ."

    Zhou Ningyu tasted a piece of ribs, opened his eyes and talked to Tao. Guo said, "There is still a gap between your skills and auntie."

    Tao Guo twitched the corners of her mouth: "You will be content if you eat some."

    Bai Ruiyang curled her lips and asked them: "Why don't you call auntie over to eat together? ""

    "Good, good." Zhou Ning echoed.

    Tao Guo said, "Don't do it anymore. Doesn't she still have to cook for everyone?"

    "It's okay, I'll help you cook." Amao recommended himself, "I'll call Auntie here!"

    After a while , Tao Guo's mother, wearing a chef's uniform, walked over and greeted them with a smile. Zhou Ningyu asked her to sit down and eat together, and handed her a pair of dishes and chopsticks to her: "Auntie, are you still used to working here?"

    "Habits and habits, everyone gets along well, and work is very happy." Mother Tao Guo said. Then, she smiled again, "But I'm just afraid that Tao Guo's dad will find it."

    Many people in the training ground know about Tao Guo's mother. After she finished saying this, Zhou Ningyu didn't speak, and a young lady in training clothes next to him said: "It's just right that he is here. Doesn't he like to beat women? Let him follow me. Fight."

    Because some female bosses will designate female bodyguards, Zhou Ningyu's company has female bodyguards. These young ladies are all very good at playing, if Dad Tao Guo dares to come, it is estimated that he will be used as a sandbag to practice.

    When some male employees in the cafeteria heard her say this, they all booed there: "Thank you, are you making a performance in front of Boss Bai? You are not reserved at all!"

    The female bodyguard who is on the sofa usually has rare ears. A trace of red: "What are you talking about? Do you dare to tease the boss in front of the boss?"

    "Look, you are still ashamed!" He

    slapped his chopsticks more and stood up and said, "You two will go to the playground to practice with me. "

    ...While eating, what to practice."

    "Huh, counseling."

    Zhou Ningyu was eating melons and watching the show next to him. Seeing that the actor Bai Ruiyang was indifferent, he deliberately said to Tao Guo next to him: "My brother is popular with girls." Now, you see, even our Duoduo sister is shy."

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