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    During the winter vacation of her senior year, Zhou Ningyu went abroad to visit her cousin.

    Her cousin got married abroad and settled there. Zhou Ningyu applied for a six-month visitor visa, and then went to her sister with possessions.

    This time she went abroad to visit relatives on the one hand, and travel on the other, and most importantly, she hopes to gain some inspiration for new articles in her travels.

    The school has no classes in the second half of the semester, just let everyone go out for internships, as long as they return to school in June to reply and go through the graduation formalities. As a writer, Zhou Ningyu doesn't have much internship, but her new book "Dolls among the Flowers", she still doesn't have much inspiration.

    Her cousin teased her, maybe she would be inspired by a romantic exotic love.

    Writers are born with romantic feelings.

    Zhou Ningyu just smiled at the time, and didn't take her cousin's words to heart. After all, she has been single for so many years and knows that the probability of this kind of thing is extremely low. Even if it happens, it will not happen to her.

    Until she met the man in front of a vending machine.

    Zhou Ningyu believed that the words "love at first sight" and "pumping" were coined, and they were all justified.

    At that time, she just went to the famous NW headquarters building to check in and take pictures. Although she didn't chase stars, she came all the time. After taking the photo, she felt a little thirsty and wanted to buy a bottle of water to drink.

    Zhou Ningyu's luck is very good. Not far from the NW building, there is a vending machine. Zhou Ningyu jumped over happily, and at a glance, she saw her favorite little senbei lined up on the machine. Her eyes lit up, and she forgot that she was here to buy water, so she ordered the little senbei first.

    When she bent down to get the senbei, she found a pair of feet behind her. This should be a young boy, because he is wearing trendy sneakers, his trouser legs are rolled up, leaking an ankle and a small calf.

    This calf is well-proportioned and fair, and has developed very beautiful muscles. She guessed that the owner of the shoe should be dancing, so his calf looked so powerful.

    When she straightened up, she glanced back.

    Behind her stood a tall young boy, visually about 1.85 meters. He has a neat black short hair with crystal beads of sweat hanging from his hair. As he shook slightly, beads of sweat dripped down, like splashes of water splashed in Zhou Ningyu's heart.

    She had never thought any boy was so good-looking. His facial features are very delicate, as if Nu Wa had carefully carved every detail while pinching him. Because of the previous strenuous exercise, there seemed to be a layer of water vapor on his slender eyelashes. As soon as he blinked, his eyelashes quivered twice, as if an elf was fanning its wings.

    His nose is crisp, his lips are exquisite, and his delicate skin is coated with a warm yellow light in the afterglow of the setting sun.

    Foreign country, street, sunset, there are beautiful boys and beautiful girls. Zhou Ningyu's heart was beating, is this the romantic exotic love her cousin said?

    But the other person's eyes are not warm, and the whole person reveals a high-cold aura that no one else can get close to. It doesn't look like you want to talk to her about a romantic exotic love.

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