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   Zhou Ningyu’s proposal was quickly approved by Bai Ruiyang. He had eaten the dishes made by Tao Guo’s mother once before. The craftsmanship was really good: “It’s just that our training ground is remote and inconvenient to enter the city. Although there are dormitories, the conditions are definitely not available. Good home. I don’t know if Auntie is willing to go?”

    Tao Guo’s mother looked at Zhou Ning’s words and then at Bai Ruiyang. It seemed that she did not believe that they really planned to invite me to cook by themselves: “You really plan to invite me to the canteen of the training ground. Work?"

    "Yeah." Zhou Ningyu nodded, "Auntie, you cook so deliciously. If you go to our cafeteria, the brothers and sisters in the training ground will have a good taste!"

    She said that she was a little moved!

    "But what my brother just said is also true. It is not realistic to work there and want to go home every day. You may have to live in the staff dormitory."

    "Hurt, what's the matter." Tao Guo's mother said. I have done all of the work, and you still live in the staff dormitory, which is already very good. I’m just afraid that after I pass, Tao Guo’s father will follow along and

    cause you trouble.” Zhou Ning said: “Then let him Go, if he really dares to make trouble in our training ground, I will treat him as a man."

    Bai Ruiyang laughed and said to Tao Guo mother: "Xiaoyu is right. Auntie, you go to the training ground and feel relieved. Stay there, no one dares to make trouble."

    "That, that..." Tao Guo's mother looked at Tao Guo, and then said to Zhou Ningyu and Bai Ruiyang, "You are willing to hire me, of course I am willing to go. I am not a person. You can only cook well. Don’t worry, after I go, I will take care of everyone’s meals a day."

    "Auntie’s craftsmanship is nothing to say." Zhou Ningyu looked at Bai Ruiyang and said to him. "The auntie's entry procedures are left to you."

    "Well, I will tell the personnel department when I return to the company tomorrow. Auntie, when can you go to work?"

    "I can do it anytime, tomorrow. "

    Bai Ruiyang thought for a while, and said to her: "You are tired these few days. I will rest here tomorrow. I will take you to the training ground the day after tomorrow. Do you think it is okay?"

    "Yes, thank you." Tao Guo's mother said As he spoke, his eyes turned red again, "Thank you, you are all good people. Especially for Xiao Zhou, it is really blessing for Tao Guo to make friends like you."

    "Auntie, you just said that. Yes, Tao Guo usually takes care of me. It's okay, it's okay, it's all over." Zhou Ningyu comforted Tao Guo's mother a few words, and Bai Ruiyang asked someone to take Tao Guo and her mother back to the room to tidy up.     In the evening, everyone had dinner together, and Zhou Ningyu sat in the room with Tao Guo and chatted. Zhou Ningyu opened two bottles of beer, stuffed Xiaoguai senbei in his mouth, and said vaguely to Tao Guo, "Don't go back over there. I'll find someone to clean it. You will stay with aunt for these two days. Here."     "Okay, I'm really embarrassed this time..."     "Hurt, if you say this, it's better to cook me two more meals." Zhou Ningyu interrupted her before she finished speaking. Tao Guo smiled and looked at the little good senbei she was holding in her arms: "Eat, eat, you know how to eat. I found that you can have little good senbei wherever you go."     "Hahaha, right," Even on the set, there is a little celestial shell Qi Wang bought for me.” Speaking of Qi Wang, Zhou Ningyu remembered why Qi Wang hadn't called her back? She took out her mobile phone and took a look, and indeed did not receive Qi Wang's call. Isn't he finished yet?     "Why, I haven't seen you for a day, just think so?" Tao Guo sat by and teased her when she saw her holding her mobile phone.     Zhou Ning said: "You don't know, I was walking in a hurry today, and I didn't have time to tell him. Later, he called me and he didn't receive it. Did you say he was angry?"     "That's possible, or you Give him a call again?"     Zhou Ningyu thought for a while, then put down the phone: "Forget it, he may still be filming, and the crew often stops work after 12 o'clock."

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