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    Amao had a thought in his heart now that the eldest lady deserves to be a literary worker, and it is really exciting to scold people, and there is no dirty words.

    At first, the whole family strongly supported her writing, it was the right choice!

    Dad Tao Guo was scolded for a moment, and then suddenly jumped like a thunder as if he had lost control, roaring to catch Zhou Ningyu.

    Everyone in the room was shocked. Zhou Ningyu reacted quickly and raised the umbrella in his hand and pressed it against his heart to prevent him from approaching. At the same time, the big cat quickly stepped forward and blocked Zhou Ningyu’s face: "What are you doing, Do you want to hit someone? Come on, fight with me."

    Dad Tao Guo was swearing in a loud voice. After confronting the big cat face to face, he suddenly became quieter. Zhou Ningyu squatted on the ground without warning, looking up at Tao Guo's father crying and complaining: "Do you want to hit me like your wife and daughter? It's terrible, Comrade reporter, did you see him? He is not at all. What an old father, he is too vigorous to beat up his wife and daughter!"

    Amao, who was holding a mobile phone video next to her, gave her a close-up, thinking that the eldest lady had been in the crew for a long time, and she became addicted to the drama. Yes, this best actress must be awarded to her today.

    Hearing Zhou Ningyu saying that he beat his wife and daughter, Tao Guo's father was a little flustered, but he quickly recognized Zhou Ningyu: "Oh, I remember, you are Tao Guo's college classmate! Comrade reporter, don't believe her nonsense. In order to drive me out, she and my daughter colluded to act here!"

    Zhou Ningyu continued to squat on the ground and cried: "You just wanted to hit someone, but everyone saw it, you don’t want to deny it! And you because The beating and blackmailing is the result of the case. You will know it as soon as you investigate. Do you still want to say that the people's police slander you!"

    "You, you guys do n't spit people here!" Dad Tao Guo was so angry that he wanted to do it again. The cat squeezed his wrist lightly and subdued him to the ground.

    "What are you doing?" Two uniformed police officers walked in from outside. Zhou Ningyu glanced back, thinking that maybe they were too busy here, and another neighbor called the police.

    When Dad Tao Guo saw the police coming in, he screamed desperately: "Comrade police, you came just right, they beat people! You have to be fair for me!"

    "Let go." The police came over and asked the big cat to take Dad Tao Guo. When he let go, Big Cat let go without saying a word, still blocking Zhou Ningyu.

    "Comrade police, it was the old gangster who used his hand first. We have evidence!" Zhou Ningyu stood up from the ground and pointed to Amao who was filming the video. "We recorded it all!" The

    policeman glanced at her, then looked at her again. The Amao and the big cat she brought and asked her, "What's the situation with you?"

    Zhou Ning said, "I am the owner of this house. The property told me that there is an old gangster who stays here and does not leave. He is so fierce. So I came here to see the situation. These two are the bodyguards I hired. I dare not come alone. Look at him and beat people at every turn!" The

    police looked at her again: "You are the owner, then Who is this person?"

    "I don't know, I don't know him, can I sue him for breaking into a private house?"

    "Comrade Police..." As soon as Zhou Ning finished speaking, Dad Tao Guo wanted to speak excitedly again. He just called, "police comrades", he was interrupted by the police: "You do not talk to one an explanation."

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